Thursday 31 May 2012

Day 8: Know it All

When I made my first trip to the farm, I thought I had a pretty good idea of how everything worked and that I had a good understanding of the Desteni principles.
 Was I in for a surprise.
 Already on my first day of arrival this turned out to be untrue. Although I had participated quite a lot on the old Desteni forum -- I found out that I didn't know shit. I was faced with an environment where other people were actually applying the principles and this was way beyond what I had conceived through my "knowledge" that I had accumulated. Once more I realised how small my "bubble" really was -- especially when listening to the interdimensional beings telling their stories on cold winter nights by the fire. It's like there's a whole reality right here in front of our eyes -- but we can't see it. All we can see is this world which we call ''reality" which is not even a publicly shared reality but our own private, customization of what we want to see.
 And the only reason why we can't see is because of the accepted and allowed emotions, feelings and thoughts which override the real factual world. And this 'layer' through which we filter everything we see keeps us from seeing what is really going on.
I remember the one night I was sitting in the lounge, and I was going through a particular experience and I couldn't pinpoint what it was (how ridiculous is that anyway, that you as a being can experience things -- and then not know what the hell it is, I mean it’s inside you it IS YOU -- again just showing how limited we are no matter how far gone we are in "history" and no matter how "evolved" we consider ourselves to be). Bernard was in the lounge and the Portal as well -- there might have been some other people around but I can't remember. Then at some point Bernard asked to whoever was in the body to leave and get my liver in.
So there I sat on the couch, facing and talking to my liver (well mostly my liver talking to me). In the meantime Bernard was pushing all sorts of points on my back, triggering all kinds of experiences. My liver would then tell me exactly what I was experiencing and, how come I was experiencing, what past memories were involved -- the whole deal.
I was astonished.
My liver knew freakin more about me than I knew about myself. I mean, do I even know how my liver works or where it even sits inside my body? And here it is explaining to me what I've accepted and allowed myself to become in the nitty grittiest detail. Obviously -- I knew nothing at all.

I highly recommend the available downloads on the EQAFE website and the Heaven's Journey to Life blogs which allow one to have a 'peek' at what actually goes on inside ourselves and the world -- and to assist ourselves in lifting the Veils of our Minds so we may finally SEE and create a World that's Best for All.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that “I know it all”
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to settle for my limited awareness and knowledge as “this is it”
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be blind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe my perception of the world
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise – that when different people have different perceptions about the world – that this is extremely odd
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to question my own perception and that of others when I realise that different people have different perceptions – there is only one world – how can everyone have a different version of the same reality we share?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to dismiss this observation and instead stand by what “I” perceive and act and live according to that
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to question my perception, what I see and even more so – what I don’t see
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I know how I work and that I know how the world works
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I know shit and that I need other people to help me in understanding how the world works and to cross-reference our different “realities” so we can break down all the different various divisions between each one’s own “reality” so we may come back down to Earth and share the same reality as what is actually here
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have believed that I could figure things out on my own
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise the extent of limitation existent within myself as the mind and that I need other people to assist and support me in challenging these limitations
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I need other people to challenge these limitations – as I have become these limitations and thus do not see them, am not aware of them myself
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to be humble in accepting and asking for assistance in understanding and seeing how the inner and outer reality really work
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that my own liver is superior to me in every single way as it knows exactly who it is and on top of that it knows exactly who I am – I don’t know either
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to neglect and dismiss the physical aspect of our reality while this is the very aspect which allows me to live my life and have my illusionary bubble
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be completely unaware of what goes on inside me and how I as the mind and the physical actually operate
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to admit that I need others to assist me with seeing what I have accepted and allowed myself to become
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that “my awareness” is completely worthless and actually not awareness at all

I commit myself to investigate my beliefs and perceptions and deconstruct them in order to go beyond the layers of deception and see what is really going on
I commit myself to no longer ignore and dismiss the physical within the realisation that it is the only thing which is real
I commit myself to expose how everyone’s mind bubble is merely a customized illusion and is not real in fact
I commit myself to assist and support myself, and others as myself to get back down to Earth and work with what is here – instead of being preoccupied in our illusionary reality bubbles which do not match and created unnecessary friction and conflict within the world
I commit myself to humbleness and allow myself to be assisted by others in breaking down my false awareness
I commit myself to a single awareness and the breaking down of all separate realities so we may all come to common ground and create a world that Best for All
I commit myself to the 7 Year Journey to Life, to release myself from my self-imposed limitations and expand my awareness
I commit myself to question any and all beliefs
I commit myself to make use of the information provided by Desteni through various platforms and media as I understand that I cannot walk this process alone
I commit myself to support Desteni so others may receive the same assistance and support as I have been given

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 7: Letting Go of Fear

This is a continuation to: "Day 6: Fear of Something Going Wrong & Wanting to be in Control"

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the event of TweeTweet's death imprint a fear within me of "fear of things going wrong with pets"

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not properly deal with the loss of a pet and within that allow this event to have a major impact on my life in terms of how I want to be in control in relation to pets

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have immediately reacted to my experiences of loss as "I do not ever want to experience this again" and within that set myself up in a way to avoid any and all possible situations and combinations of factors which could lead to the loss of a pet

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that this is not a solution in terms of dealing with the loss of a pet

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to instantaneously suppress the event and focus my energy towards "not ever experiencing this again" instead of pushing myself to deal with the experience so that I do not have to go through it next time it happens (instead of wanting to avoid/hide from such situations)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate with pets from a starting point of fear and anxiety

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that participation stemming from fear and anxiety is not real participation -- as I am not experiencing the moment as is -- but a modified reality version created within my own mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within fear back chat as "I hope they're not dead" and then act upon that backchat through checking up on the parrots randomly to check that they're still alive

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that this only further feeds my backchat and will only make the situation worse inside myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react within fear as nauseousness upon seeing blood

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the picture of blood with the idea of "nightmare" within myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a necessary connection between the sight of blood and "experiencing a nightmare" within myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to jump to conclusions when seeing blood -- where I immediately expect worse-case-scenario

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be ruled by emotions and feelings when it comes to injured pets instead of common sense evaluation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty about not having been there when the Parrots got hurt

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty about not having been there when TweeTweet drowned

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I should have been there

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must be around my pets as much as possible so that I can be there when things happen or be there to prevent things from happening

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that this is no way of living life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit the expression of my pets through my fears of something happening to them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within myself  -- whenever I am faced with an injured bird -- that the bird will probably be dead by the morning so that I am "prepared" in case it happens, where I told myself that this was going to happen anyway, where I do not want to think of the bird being ok/making it because if he then doesn't then I will feel worse

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look at pets only in terms of how I feel and how I experience myself and not how whatever is happening might be affecting the pet in question

I commit myself to investigate my reactions and experiences of past events when being faced with the loss of a pet

I commit myself to investigate all suppressions in relation to fears to do with pets

I commit myself to release myself from all anxieties and fears related to taking care of animals

I commit myself to be here in the moment when participating with pets

I commit myself to lay out for myself my alternate created reality of the world inside myself and to remove this alternate version of reality layer by layer until I am able to see what is really here

I commit myself to the stopping of backchat inside myself and within that commit myself to act upon common sense rather than nonsensical emotional experiences

I commit myself to remind myself that backchat and emotions have no real value in terms of the physical reality and only make things unnecessarily complicated for myself and those around me

I commit myself to removing all triggers and connection in relation to seeing blood

I commit myself to adopt a common sensical approach towards working with pets instead of a mind reality bubble of fear and anxiety as an added layer upon actual reality which only clouds and blurs my view

I commit myself to do what I can do provide the optimal environment for the pets in my care from the starting point of what is Best for All

I commit myself to let go of fear and wanting to be in control as this does not actually make a difference in terms of what is possible

I commit myself to remind myself that there are those which I can do to prevent harm from happening and that there will be circumstances where factors lie beyond my control -- and since they are beyond my control, there is nothing I can do and it is completely useless to worry about it

I commit myself to remind myself to live every moment to the fullest with the animals in my environment until I no longer can

I commit myself to redefining the word "death" as no longer containing a negative loaded emotion and conception but where death is simply another phase one goes through within one's life experience -- moving from one dimension to another

I commit myself to the ceasing of manipulating myself with thoughts as anticipation, expectation and hope in order to control my emotional experience

I commit myself to face my emotions when faced with them

I commit myself to not hide from my experiences

Sunday 27 May 2012

Day 6: Fear of Something Going Wrong & Wanting to be in Control

Ever since TweeTweet died -- a little flycatcher bird we took care of until (s)he (we never found out whether it was a boy or a girl) drowned in an aquarium in our room, I've had this BIG fear of things going wrong with pets.

When TweeTweet died, I was very upset with myself -- as TweeTweet drowning in the aquarium was something we could have prevented if we had only scanned our room sufficiently for any possible "danger" points which could have been removed to prevent things like harm and death to happen.

When we were getting close to getting our first African Grey Parrot I was getting very panicky as I felt underprepared and thought the poor thing would probably die soon in our care. I did some research on the internet and got myself a book on African Greys the weekend before we were going to get him. I read the book from cover to cover whenever I had time -- and always in a state of anxiety. I wanted to absorb as much information and knowledge possible in order to be able to prevent things from happening the same way they did with TweeTweet.

I wanted to be in control and be able to determine the outcome in any and all situations.

Even long time after we had the Parrots I would go into the room and check up on them just to see whether they were all still alive -- I had this underlying fear/expectation that something bad would/must happen and that I would then be heartbroken again as how I experienced myself with the death of TweeTweet.

A week or so ago, we went to do our monthly shopping. When we came back I weird dark coloured red splatters at the bottom of Wings' cage (one of our five parrots). I thought it was weird and that maybe it was blood but it looked too dark and Wings was acting normal. I figured that it was probably just the food colouring that came off a toy when she played with in the water and gave it no further attention. Then later when I was walking around the parrot cages talking to them and seeing how they were doing I noticed that the spatters in Wings' cage didn't just stop in her cage and that there was a whole bunch on the floor around her cage as well. I started feeling dizzy and told Gian "Gian, it's not the toy colouring, it really is blood" and I started feeling nauseous inside myself. I then turned around to look at Papi's cage (which is opposite of that of Wings) which I saw also had the same red splatters. I then looked at the wall behind and saw that the wall was covered with blood splatters.  I had seen it before but because it was so dark in our room I simply thought "woaw, these parrots sure make how to make a mess with their food" and I felt stupid for not having it checked out.  I felt dizzy, I felt like crying and fainting at the same time. It was like some scene of a nightmare. I had been away all day and they hurt themselves and I hadn't been there for them. (When TweeTweet died we also weren't there in the room). I felt especially bad because they were just acting in their normal birdie way (although Papi was shaking/vibrating a bit). I felt so sad inside looking at these innocent birds, looking at me like they do when they just want attention and play -- and then thinking of what I perceived as something horrific having happened to them -- I felt so guilty, like I had betrayed them, let them down - and didn't deserve them.

I then remembered David saying that Baru had been in the house, which never happened before -- except the one time when he was groggy from medication a week before and I remembered the Parrots freaking out when he was in our room because they had never met him before (they are fine with the other dogs in the house visiting them, Bumi actually likes to sleep on the bed next to them to keep them company while we work outside in the mornings). So what I think happened while we were gone is that Baru visited our room, that the Parrots freaked out in their cages and hurt themselves. I felt terrible inside as I thought that I this time really had "taken care" of all danger points in our room and now they got hurt by something stupid as us leaving our door open/unlocked when we're not around. I was also scared that maybe Baru bit them through the cage  (because I know he bit a chicken the one time) and I know how susceptible birds are to bacteria of dogs and cats their mouths (leading to death).

Gian obviously saw that I was panicking and overreacting and told me to calm down. When I was a bit calmer we took each one of the parrots out and inspected the damage. Wings had lost a bloodfeather and most of the blood had come out from the actually feather which was out -- rather than from her body. So I felt some relief there that it was nothing too serious. The sight of all the blood just got to my head.

Papi's wing was a bit more serious as she had actually hurt the flesh of her wing and not just a feather. Luckily at the farm with all the horses, dogs and chickens we have lots of sprays and other disinfectants which can be used on all animals so we cleaned them both up and then they looked a lot better.

The next few days I was still a bit on edge as I was still kind of expecting to wake up, lift the blanket off of Papi's cage and see her dead on the bottom of the cage as I had seen with so many birds before who got hurt and didn't make it. Because of stress towards my exams I put off writing about this event although I knew I should as the emotions I experienced that night were very intense. As I progressed within my exam period my right shoulder started to hurt a lot until I almost started crying from the pain. LJ suggested to look at it to see if he could assist with the pain. I went to lay down on the bed and he started pushing points, reading them and taking out systems and energy. He explained how he works with points. He showed me his arm and a spot to push with my finger to see if I could read my own point through him, and the only thing that came up was sadness. He explained that I suppressed a lot of my point and stored them into my back and shoulders. He also picked up the word 'guilt'. I them immediately had a picture of TweeTweet flash infront of my eyes and a picture of the Parrots. I then saw that I really needed to address this point.

I realised that I had made a decision after TweeTweet died to try and always be on top of things from the starting point of fear. I had been so busy worrying about the Parrots all the time and interact with them with underlying anxiety that I had completely forgotten to just enjoy my time with them without wanting to be in control all the time. I realised that even though in the event that happened, it was something that could have been prevented -- that I cannot preoccupy myself with "what ifs" the whole time as sometimes things will happen which are beyond my control (and of this, I was even more scared).

I still feared the death of pets as what happened to me with my guinea pig when I was small and how I experienced myself when TweeTweet died and never ever wanting to experience that again. I also see that I am still trying to 'make up' for TweeTweet's death through trying to give the Parrots the best environment and experience possible -- even though this is not always possible because of Money and the fucked up system we've allowed ourselves to end up in. So whenever I feel like the Parrots should have something but I can't give it to them -- I feel sad and unworthy of being their caretaker. But all I am really trying to do is make up for the guilt I experienced when TweeTweet died and trying to make it up with him through other birds. And instead of simply being unconditionally there for the Parrots I've turned into this control freak which can't enjoy a moment with the Parrots and other birds out of fear of something going wrong -- which is the opposite of having a nice time with them and them having a nice time with me.

I see and realise that I have to allow myself and the Parrots to live and that if something happens that is beyond my control then it happens and there is nothing that I can do to make a difference. But this doesn't mean that I must now live in fear of this one moment. I must allow myself to enjoy the time I spend with them to the fullest until I cannot do it anymore. And there's nothing bad or fearful about it -- it's simply how it is, and to treat it otherwise is only to punish myself and the birds around me unnecessarily.

Forgiveness to follow...