Saturday 22 January 2011

No Space for Choice within 1 +1

This is a continuation on my previous post which covers the point of doing 'one thing at a time' - though there was still a point missing, which is the point of not allowing space for Choice.

Because now during my day for instance, I have point that I have to deal with. I've established that I can only do 1 thing, 1 breath - but now I went into 'what shall I do now' from a perspective of 'scrolling through' all my available 'options' as choice and then make a decision based on energy - where I will pick something on the basis of 'I want to' and 'I don't want to do that right now' (and postpone).
Instead of looking at things from a practical common sense perspective - where I look at 'what is priority' and 'how much time/breaths is this going to take me' and then just DO IT.

So that's that.

1 comment:

Katie Conklin said...

Cool Leila,

I have walked this point as well, not allowing myself to project into what "I could be doing" or what "I will do in the future", only focusing on what is Here and what must be done now as priority. Then I can actually move, step by step.