Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 9: Fear of War

In Belgium as a child, you get taught about the first and Second World War from a very early age. The teachers would talk about it, get you to memorize dates and maps, watch documentaries loaded with images of war and read books from people written on war, during the war.

I absolutely hated anything in relation to war because it scared the shit out of me. I could not understand when watching the images on the TV screen and reading the books how things could turn out so bad and wicked among human beings. I didn't want to see it and I didn't want to have anything to do with it.

Later during my life as a teenager I had created an immense resistance to watching war related movies and documentaries.  If I could avoid them, I did.

I did not want to imagine what those people had to live through, living in anxiety every single moment - day in and day out. Being physically deprived of food and sleep, being mentally alert and having a fright with each and every single noise.

A week or so ago I pushed myself to watch War Horse and place myself in the uncomfortable position of seeing images of war. I had to cry several times because the whole war thing is just so absolutely damn stupid.

I then also forced myself to listen to the EQAFE Life Review interview of "A Woman of War" and had a knot of anxiety in my stomach the whole time.

I remembered how the one time in high-school my religion teacher was talking about war and pointed out how everyone sitting in the classroom took war for granted, thinking that Wars were something of the past and that we would not have to deal with a war in our lifetime. He then pointed out that never a hundred years would go by without a war -- and that it was thus more likely than unlikely that we would face a war within our lifetime. This left me feeling sick for the rest of the day.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear war

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear death, pain and destruction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear seeing people die around me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear dying of a painful death

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to respond to the atrocity of war with avoidance

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that if I do not like war, that avoiding the issue is not going to make a change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world where teachers teach children about war and instil fear of war within the through images and literature -- without explaining WHY war exists within this world and what we can do to stop it.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to have responded to the animosity of war to finding practical solutions to stopping war and making sure that no-one would ever have to live through a war ever again

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that fearing my own fear is not going to solve anything

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to have investigated why war exists and why humans do crazy ass stupid shit like killing and bombing one another when we're all just earthlings sharing the same home called EARTH

I forgive myself that I have instead accepted and allowed myself to see and accept war as part of human nature and something that I should try to avoid at all cost

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to as a child have made up war scenarios within my mind and plan out what I would do in different situations

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have spent my time being occupied with what to do during wartime instead of spending my time ensuring that no more wars exist

I commit myself to the reformation of education where subjects are taught from a common sense perspective and not just for the sake of teaching history without practically explaining the mental instability that has to be existent within the human for having committed all these crime to life within waging wars -- I also commit myself within that to not just teach history from a starting point of heritage but to also look at and consider practical solution so we may actually LEARN something and so we can correct ourselves instead of learning how to fear the future due to our fuck-ups in the past

I commit myself to expose the atrocities of war which can be in no way justifiable

I commit myself to expose that that which we call "human nature" has in fact become an insult to life

I commit myself to the establishment of a World System where NO MORE WARS are waged

I commit myself to the re-education of the human being so it may sort out its mental instability as inner wars so that we do not have to live through outer wars

I commit myself to changing the current World System of Abuse and Insanity to one that Supports Life and is seated within Common Sense based on the principle of what is Best for All Life

I commit myself to change the Current World Economic System of Inequality to one of Equality for All so that no-one will ever have to go through a war ever again

I commit myself to expose the extensive amount of mental disorder that needs to exist for human beings to make the decision to go and blow one another up

I commit myself to showing that it does not have to be this way and that it is in fact possible to live in World without War

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