Friday, 7 September 2012

Day 46: Running on Automated Pilot

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to consider my body within walking / moving / standing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move/walk/posture my body according to how I feel within my mind -- where how I move/walk/stand reflects my state of mind -- without ever stopping for a moment and asking whether how I move/stand/walk is in fact effective in terms of how the human physical body is designed to function

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I have only ever used my body to support my mind / how I experience myself as thoughts/feelings/emotions -- where I use my body to reflect/express my state of mind, where my state of mind is always within the framework of polarity as unbalance and where thus equal and one my body will reflect this unbalance within me moving/walking/standing in an unbalanced manner -- and within that compromising my body within not using it in a balanced, stable manner

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take my human physical body for granted -- where my attention only lies within my mind as 'what I want to do' and expect my body to just perform from 'point A to B' as 'what I want to do / where I want to be' and 'being there/doing it' -- without being here as my body from point A to B -- and within that move/walk/stand from an 'automated pilote/mind' perspective where I expect my mind to give my body directions as to how to do things -- without seeing and realising that the mind only values the mind and will only work with the body in terms of how it can support the mind, and so will not direct the body in a way that is best for the body, but compromise the body for the sake of supporting the mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have abdicated my self-responsibility of handling my body in a way that is supportive within not being here within every moment of breath and expecting my mind to just 'take care of things' during my absence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect my mind to 'handle things' -- while I have clearly seen and understood that the mind is not trustworthy and only cares for its own survival -- and so within not moving myself to be here within every moment of breath and handle my body responsibly -- I am deliberately being negligent and deliberately allowing my body to be compromised because I didn't feel like 'being here' and 'doing it myself'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have deemed my hypermobility as an 'obstacle' / 'obstruction' that I have to overcome in order to be able to 'get to things' -- instead of seeing and realising that I can use this point of hypermobility to 'get to things' as a point of physical support to show me how I should and shouldn't move according to my physical design

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a Character to deal with my human body and how to move / stand / walk -- instead of being here as my human physical body/moving myself within self-direction / self-movement

When and as I see myself walking / moving / standing around within an automated pilot mode -- where I am not being the directive principle of every single movement -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am accepting and allowing myself to compromise my human physical body for the sake of the comfort of my mind and so I commit myself to breathe, be here, take charge of myself as my human physical body and move/handle myself in a way that is supportive within the consideration of how the human physical body as been designed

When and as I see myself allowing my mind to 'take charge' while I am absent and entertaining myself within my mind -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I cannot leave the responsiblity of handling my human physical body to my mind, as my mind is only interested in supporting itself and will abuse the body through handling it in ways that does not lie within its design/functionality -- which is a promise for physical deterioration -- and so I commit myself to be here within every moment of breath and take on the point of responsibility to move my human physical body as myself

When and as I see myself reacting to pains resulting from hypermobility -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that my body is merely being extra sensitive in terms of how I move/walk/stand -- and thus I can use this as an indicator to show me who I am within moving myself as my body and so I commit myself to utilise this point of hypermobility as a gift to assist and support myself to be aware of my movements as my human physical body and correct my body movements from mind to body movements within consideration of the physical and to no longer accept and allow my human physical body's movements and postures to be an extension/support of the mind -- but use my human physical body to move out of my accepted and allowed programming / characters and move into Life as the Physical within the principle of what is Best for All

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