Friday 14 September 2012

Day 50: Here -- Yet Lightyears away

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never have questioned the nature of thoughts, feelings and emotions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never have questioned how I will experience myself differently in different moments / day to day

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never have questioned where thoughts come from and how they manifest

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never have questioned the origin of thought or how it is able to exist

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only consider what I experience to be 'reality'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take what I experience as 'reality' as 'a given' and trust this experience to be real / valid -- and never look beyond what I experience

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that within only giving attention to 'what I experience' I am limiting my awareness to only myself as my mind and completely disregard the physical reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never have questioned how come I am here as a physical body in a physical reality -- yet in no way understand/grasp what it means to be here as my body as this physical reality -- where I am here and yet at the same time lightyears away from what is here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have never cared to find out what it means to be here as the physical -- but simply assumed it to be of no relevance and that the only thing which matters is me as my mind and how I experience myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within not caring/ considering this physical reality create/contribute to abuse within this world -- as this abuse merely reflects another way of not caring/considering and thus within every moment that I am not caring/considering the physical reality I am authorizing abuse to exist within this world

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that any form of activism or wanting to bring about change in the world without ensuring that no thought exist within me is complete hypocrisy -- as I am demanding consideration of this physical reality without stopping my own thoughts which eat my flesh away which is the primary form of abuse existent within this world

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that the only activism worthwhile participating in is within the act of stopping thoughts, feelings and emotions -- as they are the very personification of abuse, where real, actual substance gets consumed for the sake creating energy as thoughts, feelings and emotions -- and where these thoughts, feelings and emotion do not serve us well in any way whatsoever anyway --- it's like a lose-lose situation!

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to embrace the sadness of being here in this physical reality and yet at the same time having no real access to this physical reality -- because it really is sad

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have considered the physical as 'not important' / 'irrelevant' -- without seeing and realising that I never actually experienced physical reality -- and so the only thing I actually ever deemed as 'not important' / 'irrelevant' -- is me as my experience of the mind as it is completely limited -- where I projected this limitation unto the physical and believed it to be real -- instead of seeing and realising that it is not the physical which is limited but my mind, and where I as the mind can't stand that I do not have access to this physical reality and within that 'dismiss' / 'spite' it in order to make myself feel better where I will look down upon physical reality as a coping mechanism within the realisiation/truth that I am less/inferior than this physical reality because when I as my Personality Die -- I am Gone -- but the physical remains

I commit myself to show that the nature of the human as the nature of the mind as thoughts, feelings and emotions has never really been investigated

I commit myself to show that the nature of thoughts, feelings and emotions is actually really disturbing

I commit myself to show that any call for change without stopping thoughts, feelings and emotions is pure hypocrisy

I commit myself to show that as long as the nature of the mind is not understood we will not change and the Earth will not survive our continued exploitation

I commit myself to show that any opinion/observation of reality as the physical has only ever been an opinion as we've never accepted and allowed ourselves to step beyond our mind and really see / investigate what is here

I commit myself to show that we've accepted and allowed ourselves to have become an alien invasion where we are here in this physical reality but have no actual relationship with the physical in anyway whatsoever where we are completely closed off and locked/jailed in our minds and really have no clue about what really goes on on Earth

I commit myself to show that any form of abuse in relation to the physical is inherent to our inferiority of and as the mind where we can't stand that the physical reality is more real than we are and then try to 'get back' at the physical reality through abuse and torture to make ourselves feel better in the limited time we have available on Earth before our meaningless existence disappears into thin air after Death

I commit myself to show that the tendency of the human to see itself as 'intelligent' and 'superior' to all other beings / living organisms on Earth is just another way to deal with our sense of rejection -- where we are the outsiders in physical reality and within our resentment towards ourselves take it out on what is Real within Spite and Jealousy -- and then cover it up within apparently being this 'amazing' / 'evolved' being which is a complete state of denial and delusion
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