Sunday 16 September 2012

Day 52: Prelude – Don’t take anything for Granted

This Blog is a continuation to:
Day 51: Shocking Sounds

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created an idea about what is a ‘relevant point’ to work with and ‘what not’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created ideas/opinions/beliefs about points as reactions within myself in relation to my environment where I will judge the reaction/experience I am having as either ‘important’ / ‘not important’ and will accordingly either work or not work on it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created ideas/opinions/beliefs/judgments about points as reactions in relation to my environment based on what I think is ‘important’ / ‘not important’ based on whether I believe this point to be ‘interesting’ or ‘deep’ where if I find the point to not be something ‘insightful’ and apparently “extraordinary” – I will ignore it until I come across a point that I believe fits the category of ‘interesting’/’insightful’ and work with that instead

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have mind-fucked myself to such an extent that I have opinions about everything where I even have opinions about my points which are in itself opinions so it’s like having opinions about opinions which is completely bizarre

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be selective in terms of the points I want to work with based on judgment/ideas/opinions about the points I face throughout my day where if a point ‘stands out’ that I see/perceive as ‘interesting’ I will be motivated to take it on while if during my day I only face points which I deem as ‘ordinary’ / ‘dull’ I will convince myself that I have apparently ‘nothing to write about’ while there’s lots to write about since not a day goes by that I don’t react to something

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the points I face throughout my day and only take those points on which I see/perceive as interesting – and within that I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I’ve accepted and allowed to attach either positive or negative energy charges to points in terms of ‘interesting’ / ‘boring’ – which only reveals to me that I am still allowing myself to within working on myself within process – to still be directed within and as energy as negative/positive energy charges where I will follow the positive and ignore/dismiss the negative

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/understand/grasp the full extent of how completely biased we are within every single thing we do in our reality where literally not a single thing escapes our prejudiced eyes – where everything we see/do gets categorised/boxed within compartments of our minds for us to make apparent ‘sense’ of our reality while all the while only creating/manifesting an illusion of reality within ourselves which we then impose/project upon actual physical reality

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that a point is a point – where the smallest to the biggest reaction counts and is completely relevant to me as the process I walk – and thus I require to look at each and every single point within the realisation that as long as I react – no matter what the nature of the reaction is – I am still not being the directive principle in my life and thus need to ensure that I cover EACH and EVERY SINGLE POINT

When and as I see myself reacting to a reaction (LOL!) within judgment/belief/opinion as ‘Ooh this is a cool/relevant point to work on’ or alternatively, simple dismissal – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that I am participating in judgment towards my reality and within that trying to make it ‘more than’ it really is within wanting to personalize my experience/perception of reality and within that I commit myself to breathe, be here as my human physical body and see reality/my points for what they are

When and as I see myself judging points as reactions/experiences as ‘important’/’not important’ – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that each and every single point is equally relevant and within that I commit myself to work through each and every single point

When and as I see myself judging/creating opinions about points based on the criteria of whether I find it ‘deep’/’interesting’ or ‘dull’/’ordinary’ – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that I am just participating in an another mindfuck where I believe that since I am busy with my process/working through points – that I by default am doing it in a way which is self-directive and within that not seeing/realising the true extent that we’ve fucked ourselves into creating an opinion about every single thing in existence which also includes process/working through points – and so I commit myself to slow myself down within myself when working/reflecting on points to ensure that I am not allowing myself to be directed by opinion as ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ as ‘positive’ / ‘negative’ experience/opinions about points – and within that allow myself to be here, breathe and work with what is here without creating an idea about it

When and as I see myself scanning through my day to identify a point to work with and see myself ‘skipping’ over points because I have judged them as ‘dull’/’ordinary’ – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that these points are very relevant since they indicate the extent that I am accepting and allowing them within ‘skipping’ them in my evaluation of the day and so I commit myself to take on each and every single point no matter how ‘dull’ or ‘ordinary’ they seem to be as these are actually the “secret” points keeping me as personality in place which is indicated by my level of acceptance within seeing them as ‘normal’ / ‘not worthwhile looking at’

I commit myself to walk each and every single point since all are relevant and form part of the intricate whole/network of characters keeping me as an “individual” in place

I commit myself to assist myself in becoming aware of the extent of mind integration/influence within my everyday life through listening to the Quantum Mind series which very delicately, intricately – step by step – explain and describe how the Quantum Mind works in utmost specificity and thus it is within my best interest to listen to these interviews and educate myself on the REAL ME that I have never accepted and allowed myself to see as the REAL DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLE currently in my reality so that I can teach myself to become just as diligent and specific as my mind within correcting myself and walking my Journey to Life

I commit myself to assist and support myself within reading the Heaven’s Journey to Life blogs which every day provide a new dimension / insight which I had not yet considered for myself and within that assist and support myself to get to know myself better as what I have accepted and allowed myself to become as Mind so that I can equally assist and support myself in walking my Journey to Life

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1 comment:

lindsaycraver said...

I can definitely relate to this and have written similar points out for myself as well, so very cool to read/apply what you have written here and further expand this for myself - thanks!