Monday 19 November 2012

Day 115: Food & The Religion of Self - Part 3

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 112: Food Preferences - Body or Mind?
Day 113: Food & The Religion of Self - Part 1  
Day 114: Food & The Religion of Self - Part 2
When and as I see myself access the belief that ‘because I just ate cucumber and my opinion of repulsion is matched by a reaction from my body to puke it out – my opinion must be real’ – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that I already know the origin of this pattern, and that this pattern merely reveals to me the extent to which we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to abdicate our responsibility to the mind, where the mind is integrated and infused into the body to such an extent that it can even create physical reactions such as repulsion to particular foods, where the body merely obeys the mind in its belief of self-righteousness. And so I commit myself to stop my self-belief and move myself to eat the foods I perceive as ‘not tasty’ to assist and support myself to remove the emotional layers connected to them

When and as I see myself participate within thought patterns consisting of “I like this food” or “I don’t like that food” from a starting point of taste – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that these preferences are based on the past as memories and have got nothing to do with ‘who I am’ and ‘what makes me unique’ and has no particular value but the limitation it imposes on myself and my participation within reality and so I commit myself to stop participating within thought patterns of “I like this food” and “I don’t like that food” and ground myself within and as breath in and as my human physical body

I commit myself to challenge my taste preferences, whether it be cucumber or any other food that I dislike as well as any particular foods that I really like or favour – and to investigate within specificity the origin of these likes and dislikes and disengage them through Self Forgiveness and Self Corrective Statements / Application
When and as I see myself holding a grudge towards anything or anyone – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that this grudge originated from somewhere and indicate a point that has not yet been dealt with effectively and specifically and so I commit myself to investigate the point within myself and let it go

When and as I see myself believing that because I don’t like some food, and have tried it again and I still don’t like it – that this means that my judgment towards the food is valid – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that I cannot just ‘expect’ that ‘all of a sudden’ my preferences will change, as this is decision as self-movement that I have to make for myself and practice, which I what I commit myself to do when faced with not liking a particular food’s taste

When and as I see myself experiencing an intense experience of disgust towards food such as cucumber, or anything or anyone for that matter – and where instead of investigating this and questioning it, immediately, blindly accept and allow it as ‘Oh okay, this is part of I who I am” and integrate it as part of my self-definition – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that I was not born with such experiences towards anything or anyone, but was created at some place at some time and so I commit myself to investigate my experience and remove this as a layer of self-definition within Self Forgiveness and Self Corrective Writing and Application

When and as I see myself experience a like or dislike towards a particular food – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that this experience was created at some point and that unless I ask myself where such experiences come form and question them, they will simply continue to exist within and as me, and so I commit myself to ask the right questions so that I can answers and to not take anything for granted

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