Thursday, 29 November 2012

Day 126: Sigh - Part 4

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 123: An Innocent Sigh?
Day 124: *Sigh* - a Sound says More than a Thousand Words
Day 125: I am the Centre of the Universe!

 When and as I see myself react to something in my environment 'not working' the way I expect it to -- as the internet running slow and making the buttons not work/clickable -- and react to that within irritation and annoyance an let out a big fat sigh -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am attempting to show my discontent with whatever I perceive as 'not working' as a form of complaining that something is 'not fair' and so I commit myself to stop myself to moment I take that extra deep breath to produce a sign and check what I am doing -- so that I do not necessarily compromise and sabotage myself within holding on to expectations

When and as I see myself being faced with a situation where something is not working the way I want it to work -- such as the internet being slow and taking a long time to process information -- and want to respond to that within letting out a big fat sigh, to show that I am 'not okay' with this -- even though I know that this will not make a difference and will just have to deal with it -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am unnecessarily creating something more out of what is going on within sighing and creating an emotional experience and so I commit myself to stop my emotional reaction , breathe, and slow down

When and as I see myself in a situation where something is 'not working' the way I want/expect it to work such as the internet being slow -- and react to that within sighing and getting upset/frustrated and clicking lots in a desperate attempt to 'get through' -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am placing whatever that I perceive as not working within a label of 'not being cooperative' and blame whatever/the internet for my experience of sighing and frustration and so I commit myself to stop my emotional reaction as frustration and stop myself the moment I want to go into a sigh and direct/move myself to slow down and adapt within the realisation that I am the one being uncooperative within getting frustrated/sighing/complaining

When and as I see myself in a situation where something is 'not working' the way I want/expect it to work such as the internet being slow - and let out a big sigh -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that this indicates to me that I believe that I have the right to express my discontent in the face of whatever I perceive as being 'uncooperative' -- without seeing and realising that me sighing and myself taking on a stance of non-cooperation is merely me sabotaging myself and moving myself to work effectively with what is here, where I distract myself with the belief that things 'shouldn't be this way' and within that set myself up in a rigid position to show my resistance and protest, but where I end up only working against myself and so I commit to stop the protest and slow myself down within and as breath as I've seen, realised and understand that this is not going to make a difference to physical reality

Will continue tomorrow
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