Friday 30 September 2011

“If God Wanted Us To Live Together In Harmony, He’d Made Us Look All The Same”

And God Created different Races...

I started reading the True Blood books not so long ago, and after having read for a while I decide that I also wanted to re-watch the previous seasons.

At some point in the first season Sookie (who can read other’s minds / hear thoughts), is busy waitressing at Merlotte’s and for a moment in the scene they show the various thoughts people are having at the bar.
One of those people is a man sitting by the bar having a beer. One of his thoughts goes something like this: “This isn’t right, all these people living together like they belong. Whites, blacks, vampires… If God wanted us to live together in harmony, he would have made us look all the same.”

And in that moment while I was watching that scene, what he was saying made sense and I agreed with his statement. Though – there are two ways one can look at his statement.

It is one thing to observe that “God” had made us in a particular design and ‘obey’ / ‘conform’ to this design and another to observe design “God” gave us and question its intentions.

Firstly, you could look at it the way the character in the story does: “God did not make us look all the same, thus – we should not be living together in harmony, it’s not right”.
And secondly you could look at the statement by investigating God’s role more closely: “If God wanted us to live together in harmony, he would have made us look all the same – so why didn’t he?

So why didn’t God make us look all the same? Why did God make us look different, have different skin colours, speak different languages, have different religions, different cultures? What are “God’s” intentions really?

Because looking at the design and outflow of things, his intentions are revealing themselves to be quite questionable. I can only find one reason why God would have made us look all different – and that is that he is deliberately attempting to breed disarray. And why would he want to do that? Well, if I place myself in the shoes of God as someone who is deliberately trying to create chaos and conflict within the world, where entire Genocides manifest because of this singular point – and who is very much aware of the consequence as I, as God am omniscient and know the beginning and end of things – well then…I must be evil. It’s that plain and simple.

Being aware of this one point, seeing and realising that this singular point in existence is questionable in terms of God’s intentions and plans for existence – doesn’t it make you kind of wonder about everything else in the world? If God was being an asshole in this one point, what would keep him from screwing with Life on Earth in any other area? Then if you start looking at other facets of our reality you can really spot God’s great enthusiasm for screwing things up to the ultimate point of dysfunctionality and ruin: poverty, war, disease, pollution, scarcity, starvation, extinction – the list goes on.

The question that arises is whether we will sit back and allow this existence to be as is – as God intended it to be --  Or whether we will stand up and take responsibility for ourselves and our fellow beings on Earth and transform this planet to a place where all can live in harmony in fact.

Equal Money is the first step – investigate:

Friday 23 September 2011

Minority Report – Once you’ve seen the Future, you can change it

I recently watched the movie ‘Minority Report’ with Tom Cruise.

The movie is about a ‘Pre-crime’ unit in the near future (2054), who rely on three “psychics” who are able to see a (murder) crime before it had been committed. The visions they get are placed on high tech screen panels where the detectives of the pre-crime unit try to find clues as to where this crime is going to take place. Once they know where it is they pack themselves with their futuristic gadgets, search robots – get out there and arrest the criminal just before he/she commits the crime.

One of the Detectives (Tom Cruise) then finds out that one of the precogs (= one of the psychics) had a vision of him killing someone that he doesn’t even know. He is now obviously wants to prevent this murder from happening. While he runs from the authorities he tries to uncover why he would want to kill this person. He is also faced with a dilemma. The whole Pre-Crime unit is based on the starting point of pre-determination (= pre-programming). If he is able to prevent the murder then he can clear is name, but then at the same time it would demonstrate that people have “choice”, and thus that ‘Pre-Crime’ is not absolute.

In the end he is just, just able to prevent the murder from happening. As he is standing ready to shoot the guy and all the points are coming together for this single event to happen – one of the precogs he took with on his search, Agatha, tells him “You don’t have to do this, once you’ve your future you can change it”. And then he ends up not killing the guy.

But now in the end of the movie they used this whole point of “choice” as an excuse to shut down the whole pre-crime unit. But the only person who ever had a ‘choice’ from all those who had been spotted as future criminals was Tom Cruise, because he was the only one of them who had seen their own future. All of the other ones, would have still committed the crime because “they didn’t know better”. So now in a way what the movie is implying is that everyone can change their future, but like they demonstrated earlier this is not true. Only those who have seen their future – who in essence have seen their programming – can change their future. So you really only have choice within that one single moment, where you see how you operate and how you are programmed to behave – and then you either decide to follow your pre-programmed path – or you choose to step of it. But unless that point is not present, the point of seeing your future/programming – you do not have a choice and you are simply a slave to your ‘destiny’.

And this is exactly what one of Desteni’s objectives is – to show and teach people how to see their own programming, to see how and what they’re going to do before they’ve even done it – and give them the practical tools to change their fate. Because – what is implied in the statement “Once you’ve seen your future you can change it”? It implies you do not only know your future, but you also know your past. And it is by knowing your past, by knowing the exact factors, events, people, reactions that played a role in moulding and shaping who you are today– that you hold the key to see the future, you hold the key to change your future.
See your Future, check out

Tuesday 20 September 2011

I Have the Right to Be How I Am

When I was in primary school, maybe about 9 years old – I was walking with some friends from school towards our homes. One of the girls had started getting bullied because she gossiped a lot about pretty much everyone. She was saying something like “I can’t change who I am, I have the right to be who I am, and if anyone disagrees with how and who I am then that’s their problem”.

When she said it, everyone was just kind of silent because this was kind of a huge concept (remember, we were nine year old and we’re talking about ‘beingness’ and ‘freedom of expression’). Most of us nodded but I couldn’t help myself but think that the statement she made was just not right.

I mean, she was basically saying that, although her behaviour was harmful, no-one had the right to ask her to change because that would infringe her beingness as a whole – which is sacred.

It’s interesting to see how already from a young age, this ingrained belief exists that you cannot change and you will not change because that would simply be disrespectful. And this whole ‘I have the right to be who I am’ belief – will at any given time even prevent someone from even just attempting to change. Because if you attempt to change, well then you are admitting that there’s something “wrong” or “off” with you and that’s just too hard for the ego to handle.

Back then, I would have probably used the exact same excuse to get away with my behaviour. Instead of taking responsibility for my behaviour, simply say that “this is who I am” and asking me to “change who I am” is rude, and thus I am actually the victim of your request for me to take self-responsibility (=asking me to change).

I think this whole concept of “I am who I am and if you don’t like it then f*ck off” attitude came pretty much from all the music we listened. When I was that age we (girls) were mostly into Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Destiny’s Child etc. – and they were full of this stuff.

Even in today’s music and how relationships are portrayed in the media this point of “freedom of speech” or “freedom of expression” gets linked to one’s ‘personality’ – where one’s personality is sacred and divine no matter what and if you question or demand someone to change, you are an abuser of free speech. So all we’re doing is hiding from taking responsibility simply because we have this fucked up idea that we cannot change and we shouldn’t’ change because “we’re just right the way we are”. But if you have a look at the playouts in this world, the policies and rules that we implement = it is quite obvious that “who we are” and “how we behave” is NOT okay.

What Desteni and the Desteni message is trying to do, is to show that how we’ve created this world is not okay and that we have the power to change and make a difference. By changing ourselves and by changing the world – one step at a time. To deny yourself change, is to deny responsibility.

For more on changing yourself visit the Desteni Website
For more in changing the world visit the Equal Money Website

Saturday 20 August 2011

Proof of Pre-Programming

For a few months we had moved the parrots and their cages to a different spot in our room. The way they were placed now, was in a way that our little birdie (a female house sparrow) was close to the parrots their space. Recently we’ve moved the parrots and their cages/structures to another part of the room again.

A few days ago we were busy with birdie talking to her in her cage and saw that she was displaying completely new behaviour. When we’d come close with a strange object she’d puff herself up and open her wings and make noise – which is a typical parrot thing to do when they’re scared and want to scare the other thing away. And here’s this little tiny birdie acting the exact same way!

We also have this thing where if the Parrots don’t stop their tantrums for attention, we spray them a bit with a little water spray bottle we have in our room. They’ll then make a big hoo-ha but stop what they’re doing.

What is interesting is that we never ever sprayed birdie because she’s not an attention beggar like the parrots. But when we put the water bottle spray thing close to her or show it to her she acts as if she’s a parrot that’s being sprayed lol and acts all offended. Also when we let her out flying, no matter what we do she goes out and sit on the parrot cages. She doesn’t even want to fly around or anything, she just wants to hang out with her fellow ‘flock mates’. Even though she thinks she’s a parrot, the parrots disagree and mostly try and bite her through the cage. Even after she got bitten she wouldn’t fly away from them but just stay there. So now we can’t let her out because she doesn’t get that they want to kill her. So now we can only let her out under strict supervision.

These events show how the environment plays a role in terms of programming a being. Input – Output.

Another “cool” confirmation point is that the Parrots will react to certain inputs – such as Gian making Eagle sounds – and produce a certain output – while they’ve never actually heard or seen an eagle. (When Gian made the sound the all crashed in a frenzy into the window).

When we still had TweeTweet the little flycatcher, whenever she’d see an eagle in the sky through the window, she’d shriek reeaaaally loud and then hide underneath our desks until the eagle was out of sight (even though she never got into direct contact with them).

When I first found out about Desteni I was very sceptical about this whole ‘pre-programming’ point and was looking at ways how I could show to myself that I was indeed a programmed robot. So one day as I was talking to my friends about the subject of being programmed beings, we kept on stumbling on points where the behaviour would always be something that was ‘taught’ and thus not pre-programmed. So then I looked at ‘What do I do in my reality that was not taught but has always been with me’. And then I fell upon the point of dreaming. Nobody is able to show or teach you how to dream at night – yet you are doing it. For me this was my ‘aha’ moment, of yes, I am a organic robot lol.

Or for instance, a few weeks ago I was doing a session of Contemporary Dance exercises with Maite. At some point we wanted to integrate doing ‘a wheel’ (you know where you go sideways and go stand on your hands and then keep going so you end up back on your legs) in a sequence of movements. In the exercise I kept doing the wheel at my left side, but Maite said, no you must do it from the right side. So I was like, ok fine, I’ll do it from the right side doesn’t matter.

But then when I wanted to initiate doing the wheel from the right, the moment where I have to go and put my hands on the floor and get my legs in the air – I stopped and I screamed! LOL
Because, it was so weird as if I was about to set my hands into some sort of abyss. I tried again but the exact same thing happened – I had no idea what I had to do and hit a void. Then I realised I only ever practised doing the wheel from the one side of my body and not the other when I was a kid. And whenever I would attempt doing the right side it literally felt like there was a file missing in my program.

Then Maite tried doing the left side and she had her big stop and shout moment, and was also completely astonished. We had to re-teach ourselves to do the wheel on the other side in small little steps and make everything bigger as we went along, but we really felt the struggle as we had to structure and create this new program for ourselves.

So those were some of my moments where I went “Oh woaw, I really am an organic robot” =).
In a way these little realisations are cool because as long as you’re specific in how you program yourself you know you’ll be able to carry out the task.

Monday 11 July 2011

Practical Agreement: Body Support

One of the things that I’ve enjoyed tremendously (and am still enjoying) from the start of my agreement are body massages – mmm!

It first started when Gian and I were sitting in the lounge by the fire and Bernard still has his desk and pc right next to the fire place. As we were sitting there Bernard told us to hold hands and feel the touch – “Isn’t that so nice?” he said. That it was lol.

We’d then start with just holding hands while sitting in the lounge listening to beings in the Portal telling their story or Bernard doing an interview.We would use the physical touch through the hands as a point of support to remain ‘here’ and not go off into the mind as thoughts.

Later we then moved from playing and massaging the hand to the arm, back etc until we were comfortable to start massaging the whole body.

First we went through a phase of “Resistance”. We’d be doing a massaging session and I would be uncomfortable with Gian massaging me on certain spots and sometimes just burst out into laughter because some spots were just soooo ticklish! This was cool to identify what judgments, feelings/emotions, and value points one has given to certain areas of the body. During the massage you can simply ‘breathe’ through the experience and just take note of any thoughts / points that pop up in relation to the body parts / areas. As you breathe it is like a wave washing away the ideas and beliefs attached to those points – like a cleansing. Then, later, you can write down the points as thoughts / judgments / emotions and apply Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Statements on all the points.

Then we went through a ‘Pain’ phase – where we’d specifically massage parts that were painful or tight. You’ll find that when someone points out to you that they are aching in a particular spot and you gently feel the area with your fingers/hands – that there will be like a hard type of ‘clump’ somewhere in the flesh. These are crystals that are manifested overtime through compression and accumulation. We will then massage the spot with the crystal until it becomes smaller and smaller (and asking the other to breathe through the pain) and move it out of the body. If you do massaging often you will become very quickly acquainted to the typical “problem areas” and find these crystals fairly easy. I also sometimes use my partner’s skin condition as guideline / map of what to be on the lookout for. If he for instance has a bunch of pimples emerging in one particular ‘isolated’ area – then I will go and investigate with my hands. Many times the muscle and skin will be very tight there and would indicate some anger issues having planted themselves into the flesh.

If one is able to identify the point in relation to which the crystal manifested, you can apply Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Statements. You can identify it through it simply popping up right there in the moment, like you just “know” that that’s the point. If you have been participating within the Desteni I Process and are familiar wit Muscle Communication, then you can use this as a tool to pinpoint the exact issue. At some point we had many printouts of a page with the outline of a body on it and space for writing. We’d then make a little dot on the spot where pain or discomfort was experienced to use Muscle Communication to identify the exact point.
You can also run a little search in Veno’s Structural Resonance to give yourself context in relation to the point. You can also lay Osho Tarot Cards if you have these available to yourself or flip through Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal your Body” book – so lots of options.

Then we went through a phase of “In the moment Self-Forgiveness”. One of us would be giving a massage to the other and the one receiving the massage would apply Self-Forgiveness on any and all points that would come up in the moment until all was clear. Oh, massages are also great to bring up any suppressed points. Your body holds and stores everything has memory within itself. By stimulating the physical through massaging these points can open up and can then be faced – so if your partner is crying, it might not be your awful massaging techniques ;).massagepanamacity4

What else…

Blind Massaging! One of the many benefits of having so many visitors coming over from overseas is those eye cover thingies that you get in the plane. We would use these to blindfold ourselves and do massages with touch as the only point of stimulation for the senses. This can be a really cool experience. If you breathe and massage for long enough you will find that at one point you cannot distinguish your own body from your partner’s and it feels like you are just one, merged body. You can do this without blindfolds as well but the blindfolding has a way of intensifying touch more easily. You can obviously also move on to doing other things with you blindfolds :P.

Massages in a Jacuzzi or a nice hot bath with salt and vinegar can be quite pleasant as well. The warm water helps with relaxing the body and allow your fingers to really “get in there” – watch that your partner doesn’t fall asleep (group massages can also be done in Jacuzzi, in the end you don’t know whose foot your holding or who is holding yours lol).

So here some points that one can play with explore in an agreement or just with a good friend. Beware though of getting yourself involved into any sort of sexual vibes when you first start of with massaging (especially if you are not massaging your partner). Take note of the trigger and the program playing out but breathe through it and do not allow yourself to participate within it and create a mind fuck. Practice touch being just that = touch – no matter where it is on the body, all areas equal.

Play with different hand movements like stroking, squeezing, rubbing, tapping, etc. We also use oil on the body to assist with the easy flow of the hands on the body so you can play with that too, using oil or no oil. When you are receiving a massage, take note of what you enjoy and apply this to your partner as well.
The more you practice the better you’ll get.

Massage all parts equally. Whether you are only giving a quick back rub or a full body massage – make sure you give both sides of the body equal attention with your touch. It is not very nice to be left at the end of a session with one or more body parts screaming for more attention lol.

It might also be a good idea to drink a nice cup of water after a session. A lot of toxins will try to find their way out of the body and if you are not sufficiently hydrated to assist your body with this process, then you might find yourself  with quite an unpleasant head ache.


Tuesday 28 June 2011

Beastly vs Beauty & The Beast

beastlyThe other day I was watching the new movie ‘Beastly’ which is basically a ‘modern' teenage version of the Beauty & The Beast story.
After I was done watching the movie it suddenly hit me: What do the guy in ‘Beastly’ and the Prince from ‘Beauty & The Beast’ have in common?
= MONEY!!!
That’s right, they’re both stinking rich!

The Prince in the Beauty & The Beast lives in this ginormous castle and has got the wealth to look after the girl. The guy from Beastly has a super rich daddy, which allows him to spend money on the girl, provide her with ‘security’, ‘safety’ and a limo ride to a “cottage” (read supermassive mansion) by a lake.

So the ‘Morale’ of both stories has got nothing, absolutely nothing to do with ‘Real Love’ and “Beauty on the Inside/Outside’ – it’s all all about the Beauty and Glamour of your wallet. Whether you’re a beautiful, handsome person whose a total ass – or an absolute freak of nature on the outside with the sweetest personality = as long as you have money you’ll get what you want.
And I mean, this guy is not the only one playing in a Romantic Story that girls dream of that’s got a lot of bucks. Take a look at the following dudes:vampire diaries

Anyone else seeing a pattern?

So what does this say about Relationships and what a girl wants?
Girls like MONEY –in fact – everyone wants money!!!
So we should just give it to everyone so that everyone can develop proper relationships with one another without fearing for one’s survival or whether someone’s going to stab you in the back for money.

Saturday 25 June 2011


A few days ago Bernard & Esteni came home with two tiny fluffy baby African Grey Parrots.

The Parrots we got before were always at least about 12 weeks old and were very much able to take care of themselves. These guys were more like 8-9 weeks old, tiny, weren’t eating solid food yet (they are eating a bit of it now though) and did not yet have all their feathers. Which basically means that they would have to be handfed several times a day and the temperature would have to be regulated.babies first day

So I was a bit freaking out because I had not yet done this before and was a bit ‘unprepared’ as I hadn’t done much research in terms of taking care of little parrot chicks. When they arrived I went and prepared their formula mix because they looked a bit hungry. The food smelled quite a bit like the Pronutro mix we’d feed rescued wild baby birds, so that gave me some comfort because I knew that if we’d just get the feeding part right everything else would be fine.

After they’d eaten and we had set them up in their cage I went to do some reading on African Grey Parrot chicks. First thing I wanted to find out was what type of “housing'” requirements these baby chicks have. The box they came with was the box they had been living in at the breeder’s place. It was a cardboard box with wood shavings in it, and the wood shaving were scented. From previous research in terms of what bedding to use for our other parrots and cages, I knew that wood shaving were mostly a ‘no-go’. You never really know what type of wood you’re dealing with (some are toxic to parrots), and if the parrot digest the wood shavings it can cause internal problems to their digestive and or respiratory system.

So I was not surprised to find out that wood shavings were set as ‘not acceptable’ as bedding for Parrot Chicks yet here this breeder had put it in their box. What was worse was that the wood shavings were scented and you could just smell all these chemicals pouring out of the shavings – which would only bring about more damage if they would get it in their head to play with the shavings in their mouth (parrots absolutely love putting things in their beaks). The scent was so extensive it was making Gian and myself feel nauseous.
So I got a bit upset about that, especially since you’d think a breeder would know what the hell he/she is doing with the parrots.
We took out all the shavings and put in shredded newspaper instead (which is what we use for our other Parrots).

Parrots todayNext I researched chicks’ growth phases.
Turns out the chicks were about 8-9 weeks old  -- and the breeder had sold Bernard & Esteni food for baby parrots from the age of 2 to 6 weeks…. So that really starts to make you wonder if this person from which they got the parrots knows what he’s doing.
I kept feeding them the same formula until someone went to town and got us the right one. They were also not supposed to be living in a box but get a bit more space so they can start walking around and maybe start perching around on wood and play with some toys.

Before this whole chick experience it already became quite clear that most of the time, the people that breed for the pet market, or petshops = have no idea what they are doing (but only do so for money).
When we first got our Parrot we bought him a shitload of sunflower seeds and peanuts because that’s what they were feeding the parrots in the petshop – it seemed like a common sensical thing to do. Only after doing some reading up on Parrots and their dietary needs it turns out that feeding them only seeds is like killing your pet slowly but surely. Sunflowers and other seeds / nuts are very high energy/fatty foods and can create liver problems for birds (most pet parrots die after 5 years of purchases even though they are supposed to have a life expectancy of for instance 60 – only because their dietary needs aren’t being met, which accumulates over time resulting in death by malnutrition – or rather – lack of education).
The cages that are available for Parrots most of the time have terrible impractical designs or toxic coating = again showing that it’s not about providing the best care for you pet but only the best interest of the person’s wallet.

Our first three parrots : Parrot, Papegaai and Munchie were all clipped before we got them (the two babies still have their full wings and we are going to keep it that way unless it becomes problematic). In our room we were having problems with the parrots “flying” and crashing into things (they were also hyperactive initially because of the sunflower seeds and then later as withdrawal symptoms of not getting sunflowers as their staple food) and then hurting themselves due to the bad landings. Since they were already clipped we thought that maybe they’d had to be clipped more severely so I went to check out the whats and hows of parrot wing clips. Turns out that it was not a case of not being clipped enough, but rather of being clipped too much. African Grey parrots are heavy bodied birds and need quite a bit of wing just so they can glide down smoothly and not crash into things. I went to inspect the parrots their wings and found out they were all clipped in a different way and all terribly off from what it’s supposed to be….sigh….again.

When we are doing the whole Exotic Pets Sanctuary / Rehabilitation we are definitely going to be giving educational programs so that new pet owners will be able to give the best care to their pets. There’s just too much abuse going on in the pet industry resulting from a lack of education and general care about the actual animals. And all of this is just from exploring African Grey Parrots --- they only represent a fraction of the animals existent within the pet trade industry, one can only guess what other abuse is happening to all the other remaining animals.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Arguments within Agreements

The first year that I was in an Agreement with Gian, our Agreement revolved around one thing: Self-Forgiveness. Most of our discussion ended up in misunderstanding, disagreements and fights.
When we’d both cool down and look at each person’s “side of the story” – we could see where the other was coming from and “where it all went wrong”. It’s amazing how assumptions, opinions and ideas can create this whole “alternate universe” right then and there as your having a conversation with your partner – and your partner is also participating in his or her own “alternate universe” and none of the two are actually participating in the only universe that matters, the physical one right here.Argueee
So the first year (more year and a half) – we applied Self-Forgiveness, a lot of it. This was exactly because of these ‘alternate realties’ we’d create inside ourselves and then project unto the other person. Only after we went through this phase – the deconstruction phase – we were able to actually start communicating and hearing each other. And the Self-Forgiveness we did, was never about the other person – we’d simply each time take the point back to ourselves, apply Self-Forgiveness and then that’s that.

In the beginning we were very easily tempted to “point out each other’s dishonesties” and to “stand up” (well play out an ‘idea’ of what it means to “stand up”) but then all we’d do was point fingers at each other, get angry / hurt and not get one foot further. See, in the initial stage of an Agreement, there’s just no way that you can immediately effectively assist the other by “pointing things out” because you’ve got so much shit of yourself that is filtering and moulding your perception of the other – that you never get a clear picture of what is actually going on – and that most likely, your just projecting your own shit. So once you realise this point – you’re ready to get somewhere lol.
Before I was in the Agreement I am currently in with Gian, I thought that I was pretty stable and was easily able to assist myself in terms of dealing with my inner world. Because of that, I had created an idea about myself that “I was pretty stable” and that thus the Agreement should go pretty smooth. Boy, was I wrong! LOL – all those ‘issues’ and ‘points’ that I had worked through in my Process while walking ‘alone’ suddenly looked very bleak and small compared to what I was facing within the Agreement. Sometimes it looked like the end just wouldn’t come in sight and every day was just a struggle within myself to get through the day without getting each other all agitated. But whatever happened , we just stuck to the basics: breathe, forgive, don’t give up.
And then, one day it suddenly hit me: I’m not struggling anymore.
Our agreement was effortless.
So whenever you find yourself in an Argument with your Partner take note to a) Not take it personal (god, if you do this, you’ll make things very hard for yourself) and b) to realise – that mostly when you are having an Argument, YOU’RE BOTH WRONG!!!.
The moment you see /realize that you (and your partner) are wrong, you’ll find that it’s very easy to stop and give up the argument because you’re not fighting to be proven right = there’s suddenly nothing to win and then all of a sudden your actual starting point within the fight will be clear for both parties to investigate (mostly just ‘I am right, you are wrong, lemme steal your energy so I can feel goooooood).

Ok that’s it for now.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Why Sex Sells and How you can Become Immune to this Phenomena

Why does sex sell? Whenever someone is confronted with advertisement within which they use sexually tinted images to manipulate the consumer to buy their product –- the advertiser is playing on a sense of ‘longing’ and ‘desire’.

But why do people connect ‘longing’ and ‘desire’ to sex / sexuality? 315pnKhCjaL._SL500_AA280_
Looking back at my own childhood experiences regarding ‘love’ and ‘happiness’ I can see that all those experiences all pointed to a singular concept = Relationships.

You are all alone within this world an the purpose of your life is to find your Soulmate, who will complete your life, who will make you whole.
This idea that ‘somewhere out there’ is the perfect partner for you to become ‘complete’ holds the problematic implication that inherently = you are incomplete.

So the moment you grasp this concept of ‘your happiness is out there somewhere, go find it’ – you will find yourself always feeling unsatisfied, like something is missing, your life’s just not complete.
But have you noticed how whenever you really want something, and then you get it = it suddenly isn’t all that great anymore? I remember perfectly how when I was 12 I really wanted this particular pair of shoes. It was constantly on my mind “If only I could have those shoes… it would totally complete my look (and thus complete my life)_”. LOL

So then the day came and I got the shoes and I was just like ‘woah awesome!!! At last!” This thrilling experience lasted for about a day and as things ‘went back to normal’ and I started to doing my normal daily activities – I suddenly realized that: My life was not complete, I am still not feeling satisfied. I felt so scammed, lol – scammed by my own desire. Because now I have these shoes and, it just feels like nothing.
This is to demonstrate that ‘desire’, can never really be fulfilled. Only the ‘chase’ is fun, is thrilling. Once you have what you want it’s just not fun anymore – because your idea about it and what it is actually like, do not match at all.

So now if we look at relationships and having the ‘One’ that completes your life (assuming that the ‘One’ exists at all lol) – this is quite a hectic and intense desire/longing that resides within each and every one – it’s like a ‘Life Mission’ / quest for your own personal ‘Holy Grail’.

Now, what is the core ‘characteristic’ of Relationships within the adult-world = ‘Sex’.
That’s right. Sex shows that ‘you’re being serious’ now. It ‘seals the deal’ so to speak.

So this is now the perfect pool of opportunity for companies to get YOU to buy THEIR product – using your ever lasting desire and search for ‘the one’ and ‘the one sexual experience’ (because this amazing sexual experience will indicate that ‘this is the one for you’).

By using these sexually tinted pictures, it ‘activates’ your everlasting desire for the perfect sexual partner and you just can’t help yourself – you need to try this shit out (whatever it is their selling) – it may just be THE ONE THING that can help you on your quest for THE ONE who hold the key the THE SEXUAL EXPERIENCE and your everlasting blisssss.

So now companies and advertisement use this point to present all and whatever products as THE THING that may POTENTIALLY get you to achieve your Great Quest.

1228255And what the greatest thing is about this whole “THE ONE” thing is that = nobody ever finds him or her. Because, people look outside of themselves, they look ‘out there’ for that special person to complete their life. While all along, that person’s been ever-present in their life, but they never noticed it. Who is it? It’s you!

Because you’ve accepted yourself as being ‘incomplete’, inherently ‘sinful’ and ‘damaged’ and what not – you have not allowed yourself to live a life of unsatisfaction and incompleteness. It’s all just a perception, a state of mind. The real thing that you need, the real thing you need to work on: is your relationship with yourself. And that is exactly what Desteni and the Desteni tools are for: you working and establishing your relationship with yourself.

So if you want to become immune to Sexually Tinted Advertisement & Live a life of true Fulfilment = do the Desteni I Process and LEARN to LOVE YOURSELF.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Introducing the Parrots

A week ago or so we went to visit one of the new pet shops in town.

They had two little African Grey Parrots. Gian and I bought the things we needed and played with the parrots a bit. They were really cute and our Parrot's been a real attention whore lately so we thought maybe it'd be cool for him to have a friend he can play with.

So we discussed it with Bernard and two days ago we went to buy one of the two Parrots.
When we got home and introduced the new parrot to Parrot (Parrot is the name of the first parrot) - it was love on first sight. They immediately started to play and groom each other and hanging around having lots of fun.

The next day after I had written my exam Sunette came into my room saying to get my things together : We are getting the other parrot! Lol.

The other parrot had been all alone in the shop without his friend looking all sad so Sunette decided it'd be nice for him to join the family. This one was a bit more scared than the second one (second one's name is Papegaai (Afrikaans for Parrot lol). and his name is Munchie. He was very happy to we back with his friend and seemed a lot more at ease.

So currently our room is converted to a Parrot Jungle / Daycare and all of them are getting along very well.
The new youngest ones are working on their confidence climbing their way through all the ropes and branches and the elder Parrot (by a few months) is showing them all the tips and tricks.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Real Stories – Real People

One of the things I love about participating within the DIP is that you get an actual real and clear picture of what goes on in the world, of what goes on within people.207899_176695602381156_175698322480884_474150_4030430_n

This is something I have never experienced before. Any relationship I have had in my life was superficial, any insight into the lives of ‘others’ was limited to what I’d for instance read in magazines & gossip that was shared. And if I now look back at that time, I see how ‘unreal’ all of it really was / is.

I’d never actually know a per

son, or have be able to share real life experiences that had impact on me. I never really knew what they experienced, how their life was or what is was they were actually going through. It was like any relationship was staged and everyone was just being some actor trying to maintain a persona. In a way there was a lot of fear involved, judgments, embarrassments. “Is it okay that I did this?”, “Will they laugh at me if I tell them this?”, “Will they think I am weak if I tell them that?” – it’s like a whole social strategic game of not losing face. So from the surface, everyone I knew, my world, seemed ‘happy’ and ‘normal.

Currently with the DIP, what we work with is real people with real stories. Working with people on writing, Mind Constructs, etc – it opens up a whole new world. Like suddenly the red curtain gets opened and you step beyond the veil of pretence and see what is actually going on. And most of the time = it’s not pretty. If I look at all the stories of abuse – whether by others or by self, it’s very extensive. If I now have to look back at the people I’ve known throughout my life, family, friends, familiar faces – it really makes you question what the hell happens behind closed doors and inside human beings. No-one ever talks about bad shit. It’s like just not done and there’s no support structure whatsoever in this world. I mean, if I have to look at it, I’d have to classify each and every person I’ve ever known as ‘dysfunctional’. No-one really knows what it is to live and to deal with life. We’re all just trying to ‘keep it together’ but actually have no fucking clue what we are doing here on Earth. It’s kind of sad.

So I am grateful for DIP, I’m grateful for the support structure it provides and the beings that participate within it. It’s a small piece of ‘realness’ within this world.

The people that participate within it are very courageous – not many people will allow you into their world the way DIP people do. They share their story uncensored, as is, full out with all its glory and shame. Working with people in this way, gives you a whole new perspective on life, on people.

So, if you want to become a real person and work with real people – DIP is the way to go.

Thank You all out there for sharing your piece of realness and sorting out your reality in order to be able to sort out reality as a whole.

Monday 2 May 2011

The Principle of Economy

1st collector for The Principle of Economy
Follow my videos on vodpod

Does our Economy Serve the Best Interest of Man or is it only interested to Serve the Few? Check out my blog @

Blog link:
Equal Money the System that will Change the World:
Desteni I Process Life Coaching:
Desteni Educate Yourself:

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Vocabulary is the Key to Self-Expansion

I always thought that Economy was boring and that I just had to stay away from it.

In my first year of High School there wasn’t much choice in terms of what you could study. The main course most of the students would go for had economy – I did Latin. I heard that Economy was stupid, boring and that it had math.

In general I had already created the idea that everything money related ‘out there in the world’ – was very complicated and boring. Mainly because whenever I had gotten into contact with it, I simply did not understand it. So my main reaction was: just stay away from it.

In later years I never went on a pursuit to understand our economic system or how our world operates, I had closed that door with my judgments.

Only later as I got involved with Desteni and the Equal Money Proposal, it got to me that I do not have any clue of how or money system works and how the world operates.
Yes I could see that something was wrong as I could observe poverty on the news, homeless people in the city. But I had no actual idea of how these manifestations came about. I saw them as one of the many ‘facts of life’ which I did not question at all.

So when Desteni came up with the Equal Money point, I got a bit grumpy because now I had to go and investigate money. I saw myself as very ‘money illiterate’ – I had only recently gotten my own bank account and bank card which I only has used like once lol. Throughout my life I was always taken care of by my parents and received some pocket money that was mine to spend.

I thought of myself as being incapable of researching a point like this and whenever I made an attempt I could not understand what was being discussed because the terms they used was not part of my vocabulary. I simply gave up.

We fast forward a bit more.

I am now living at the Desteni Farm and all the girls have decided to study at University.

It was kind of tacitly agreed upon that all of us were going to study psychology. Then when registration came closer I asked myself “Is this really what I want to study?”. I went to the university’s website and checked out what other curriculum they offered. One of them caught my eye. It was a study in Politics, Philosophy and Economy. Politics and Economy were very unknown to me but I could see the importance of Politics and Economy within the context of establishing World Equality and an Equal Money System. I had gotten Philosophy in High School and Gabriel, my elder brother had studied philosophy at University and I was always enjoyed what he had to share about what he had learnt over the weekend.

I had already read quite a bit on Psychology and whenever I had gotten Religion in high school it was more psychology than anything else.

I also figured that just because I had allowed myself to see myself as ‘not an economy person’ - that this should not hold me back. I saw that money was important to research so I willed myself to be interested in it lol.

From that perspective this course seemed quite challenging and it was something ‘new’. The description for the study said that it would equip the student with critical thinking skills within the area of politics and economy and work towards identifying problems and providing solutions. This seemed perfect for me in relation to the establishment of an Equal Money System.

I discussed this with Maite (my sister) and she said she was actually also not much interested in Psychology and seemed happy that I had found this other course. So we ended up both registering for this one instead.
Whereas I had previously always loved philosophy, it was an absolute pain in the*ss. The module was one big mess that made no (common) sense at all and I realized how delusional I had been in the past towards philosophy. Politics and Economy on the other hand are the subjects that I’ve enjoyed the most!

I am very glad that I decided to push through my resistance of getting to know our money system better. In a short period of time I’ve enabled myself to grasp and process such much more within my world.

Even now I can see how when I was small I got scared looking at certain things just because I didn’t understand, I did not have the vocabulary to grasp what was going on.

I remember very clearly for instance, that when I was still a toddler in school (and all we did was play all the long) we had to go into a classroom of the kids that were6-7 years old. I was standing in front and started looking at one of the books that was lying open on one of the kid’s desk. It had some weird figures on it and number and I went “WTF whas that!” inside myself. I looked at the kids whose book it was and he had a very sad face. I went into anxiety as I was thinking about how one day I will be sitting in that kid’s position having that book open in front of me and having to understand it.

Later when the moment came and I was that kid – we got to the particular page in the book that I had seen a few years back and the figure and numbers were completely clear to me! I thought it was very funny that I had been so scared, as it was just a matter of learning new words (and figures) to be able to understand what was going on. Then throughout primary school I was scared of high school because what I had seen my brother and sister study was completely unknown to me. Again when I got there myself it all made sense.

Then throughout high school I feared university and now that I’m at university I see that there’s nothing to be scared about lol (again).

In essence – the difficulty level of primary school, high school and university = are exactly the same. The only thing that changes is vocabulary. Anyone can learn anything as long as you learn all the words, it’s really just that simple.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fear, A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

My Horse Charlie’s been having a back leg problem for quite a while now. A few days ago a horse specialist came over to check him out and supplied us with meds for a three week treatment.

Part of the treatment is me jabbing a 18 gauge needle into his buttocks.
I really hate doing this.
If I know I will have to be stabbing/jabbing him in the morning then that’s the thought I go to sleep with and in the morning I wake up, that’s the thought I wake up with: “Oh no I have to jab him with the needle today”.
When the moment comes that I have to jab the needle into his butt I start to panic a bit and HOPE that the needle goes through his bum from the first go. Depending on how Charlie’s butt is doing that day and what spot I poke him it will be either hard or very hard lol.
When I jab him I go will full force, almost projecting the needle/syringe to go completely through his bum so to speak. But then sometimes in the moment as my arm is coming down towards his hum and the needle is approaching my fear takes over and I image the needle not going through and kind of just ‘hitting the surface’ as you would when for instance trying to poke a stone with a needle.

In that singular moment, a fraction of a second – my muscles weaken, my arm slows down and the needle doesn’t go through. It’s a very horrible feeling to stand there with the needle just being on top of his skin, no penetration whatsoever, seeing his entire body flinching. But it is this exact fear of this scenario happening that caused the very event to happen!
 So now before I jab – I breathe – direct – jab. If the jab doesn’t go through immediately it simply indicates I have to go ‘harder’ because he is having one of those days where his muscle is all tensed up. I do not take it personal, just breathe again and jab harder.
So this shows how when you fear something – you open the door within your reality for it to happen. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s funny how we still gives value to fear as if it is valid – no seeing and realising that by acknowledging a fear as being ‘real’ and a ‘valid point of reference’ – you are allowing, no you are CREATING this type of shit to happen in your world, and then there’s only yourself to blame.

Taking control of your life by eliminating useless points such as fear is part if the Desteni I Process self-development tools.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Pain is not the only thing it Kills – Vultures Die Too

In India the Vulture population has declined by 99%.Upon investigation it turned out that the cause of this drastic decline was within the food the vultures were consuming.
One of their food supplies are the carcasses of deceased livestock. Many of these cows were treated with a painkiller/anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac.
They die – the drug stays in their system – the vultures eat the corpse – the vultures get it in their system...and die of kidney failure.The drug has been banned – but it may still take years before all the ones that were already in circulation get out. Will the remaining 1% hold?
How has such a fuck-up come about? The only way this type of side-effect and inconsideration can come about is when the animal their best interest is not taken into account.
Because – this veterinary drug is supposed to 'help animals' as in treating livestock – no-one took into consideration the possible outcome if any of these carcasses get eaten.Which inherently shows that the drug was not manufactured taking into consideration 'the animals' – but only the depth of the Humans their pockets.
In an Equal Money System – this would not happen. We would not only start taking into considerations the animals as a whole once they're all almost dead.
Vote for an Equal Money System – Vote for a System of Consideration of All Life

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Birds are Dying

1st collector for The Birds are Dying
Follow my videos on vodpod

The Birds are Dying --Many bird species are heading towards extinction.
To find out more visit my blog @:
To find out how we can change our world in a supportive environment, human, animals and plants included: visit &
For effective life coaching go to

Friday 1 April 2011

The Birds are Dying

With climate changes the birds are put in a vulnerable position. With the estimate projections and estimations of coming climate changes, some bird species are expected to decrease drastically, and in some cases even go completely extinct.

Birds are tied to particular environments for their food intake and breeding process. With climate changes, birds that were used to low lands are forced to move to higher grounds, where it is a bit fresher – to get back to a temperature that they are used to. Though, not all birds are flexible to adapt to new environments with different vegetation/foods available for them – and thus will be likely to die. Another implication of this 'moving to higher grounds'; is that less and less terrain becomes available for the birds. This is just simply geometrics. So as climate keeps on changing, the birds will be forced to move higher and higher – until there is nowhere else to go.
This terrain reduction also decreases birds their survival chances.

When the birds get to the point of breeding, they are ineffective. The little amount of birds that do hatch, are likely to get eaten by the parents to be able to survive.

The consequences of what we've accepted and allowed to manifest in this world are starting to creep out and show its head.
We always thought that'd we'd never have to face the consequences – but they are now knocking on the door. Centuries of abuse is now taking its toll and we can no longer accept and allow to postpone taking responsibility. The birds are already suffering. The least we can do is make food available for them where we can – and stop the current system of madness that is killing each and every single living thing on earth.

It is not too late – Let's Vote for an Equal Money System!





Saturday 19 March 2011

Man Arrested For Selling Wife’s Body Parts

The Article:
Tanzanian police have arrested a man for allegedly trying to sell his wife’s body parts to an undercover police officer.
Authorities say he confessed Friday to killing his wife and attempting to sell her head, breast and genitals because he learned of a demand for body parts in the Shinynga area.
Police were tipped off by bank guards who spotted the man with a plastic bag that he said contained pork.
They say the suspect will undergo an psychiatric exam before his trial.

How much more clearer can it get? Our current Monetary System is getting people to kill their wives, chopping them into pieces so he can get money for the organs and body parts.
The only entity that requires a ‘psychiatric evaluation’ is our freaking Money System.
If you had a person who had 50 people locked up in a room and gave 1 of them all the food and luxuries you can imagine and let the other 49 starve to death without a blink – you’d want that person to get a psychiatric evaluation right?  Cause I mean, that’s just fucked up!
Yet – that’s exactly what we are allowing to exist through our participation and support of the current Capitalistic System that is in place.
Let’s stop this insanity – Let’s Vote for an Equal Money System!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Relationship Management with Mind Constructs

Gian and I are now working with a new 'strategy' to deal with points that come up.

Whenever we see that one of us is facing a 'major point' we suggest to do a Mind Construct on the point.
This works very effective because we get to write out the construct in detail. The great thing about Mind Constructs is the specificity you can work with in terms of unfolding the pattern - each and every step from point A to B - to see exactly what you're participating and thus see the solution/correction with the same clarity.

It's like reading your programming/script - erase - and rewrite.

After a while you get to see your patterns 'in the moment' - where instead of at a later stage writing about it - you immediately see the pattern right here, right now (because of having trained yourself with Mind Constructs) and are able to deal with it. This is also fun way to work with each other when things pop up in the moment. Like we'll be in the mall and Gian will behave a certain way or I will behave a certain way and then the other one goes 'right there! what did you do, what were you thinking before you did that, give me a timeline' lol. And then we discuss it and correct ourselves.

I will also in random conversations go 'I see a basic mind construct component there...', or when watching tv/series you can go 'Basic Mind Construct Component right there!!! Obvious blame' and then quickly lay out the pattern form myself lol.
So you can also apply what you have learnt from doing Mind Constructs in writing to your every day life to see how and why you behave a certain way or others or people in tv series / movies.

So yeah, Mind Constructs are cool =)

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Inflation Rates, Are they to be Trusted?

A short article in Farmer’s Weekly raised an interesting point: The Inflation Rates presented to us, can they be trusted?

The writer of the article gave the example of an incident where the water bills that residents in Jo’burg received were simply outrageous – and that the high amount was apparently due to ‘inflation factors’. The actual story was that the company that the municipality had hired (and already paid) to manage and draw up all the water bills fucked out along with the money – and the municipality had to hire a new firm that they now had to pay again... and for which the residents had to pay the price.

The inflation rates in this case were used as an excuse to demand outrageous amounts of money from residents to pay for “water” and to present an image of ‘scarceness’ (read = the fuck up of the municipality).

What numbers that are presented to us can be trusted? Are the resources really scarce or is it just a false representation for the sake of profit?

Stop Corruption, Stop Inefficiency, Vote for Equal Money!

Thursday 3 March 2011

The Principle of Economy... Or what it Ought to Be

The other day I was watching one of the DVD’s that goes with my Economy module for this Semester and an interesting point opened up.
The guy in the video was explaining how the ‘basic’ Principle of Economy in essence works with three point:
1.     We have a certain amount of limited resources.
2.     There’s a certain amount of Beings that require these resources
3.     How do we get those resources to those Beings?
But now the interesting thing is that in real life this is not really how it works.
Instead it follows the following Principe:
1.     We have a certain amount of limited resources
2.     There’s a certain amount of Beings that require these resources
3.     Not everyone can pay for these resources
4.     How do we get the resources to the people that can pay for the resources
So – we’re not looking at basic common sense practicality where you know if a child were to set up an economy it would look at “okay how much is there of this, there’s so many that need it, how do I get to there’. That seems to be the most simply way of dealing with the situation.
Though in reality this is not how it is applied . No, instead we’re playing a game of win and lose where if you have money you are part of the winners and if you have none well then you’re not even a loser, you don’t even have the privilege to ‘play’ the game.
So how did it get this far that we allow basic points such as the allocation of basic resources that everyone needs be directed by only money. Why does money decide where what goes? Why can’t we just decide from a starting point of Common Sense and what is best for all?
Obviously the solution is already outlined in the initial principle mentioned – but since we are in a current World System that works with Money to move every single point – the only possible way to correct this “mistake” is to give everyone Equal Money! Because – if everyone has Equal Money then everyone can access the Basic Resources = Problem solved!
Also – if we have a look at the current System and what our “limited resources” are being used for = it’s a whole lot of bunch of CRAP: technology with an expiry date, shoes that fall apart in a matter of months, clothes that look pretty but require a manual for you to know how to put it on, make up, shampoo, food that is not food – basically most of the things that you see in your everyday mall are products of consumerism that support the profit making money game. They have no other practical use whatsoever.
So instead of moaning about ‘our limited resources’ and ‘we’re gonna have to up the prices, because the resources are getting more scarce’ – we should have a look at what we are spending our precious resources on and if it is really worth it. Because if I look at all the crap in this world that is being produced – 98% is all just for profit – where foods are being produced in masses and get thrown away, where there’s hundreds and thousands of designs and brands for a single object, just so you can have your ‘choice’. It’s too much and we don’t need it.
So Imagine in an Equal Money System, where we stop wasting our resources on useless crap – just imagine what is possible and what future we can secure for those still to come.
Support Effective Use of Resources - Support an Equal Money System!

Monday 28 February 2011

Son Gets Killed By Father While Intervening in Parents' Fight

I've recently set up some news RSS feeds into my mail inbox so I can stay up to date with events happening in South Africa and the World.

One of the Headlines of today reads 'Son Gets Killed By Father While Intervening in Parents' Fight'

While the Parents were fighting and arguing the Son tried to intervene to protect his Mother, but instead the Father turned on him and stabbed him in the neck with a knife.

How much more must we take? How much more madness must we witness before we realise that the World we live in and the things that happen every single day are not okay?

When people criticize the Equal Money System, they compare it to our current established system and social conditioning. Wanting 'proof' based on what the 'current system' is created on, where our current system is the 'point of reference' and 'almighty judge' to which the Equal Money System must prove itself and 'live up' to its 'expectations'. Which if you look at it, is quite ridiculous - because - why would we want to prove the 'worthiness' of an Equal Money System to a World of Madness and Abuse? That would defeat the whole point of an Equal Money System now wouldn't it.

So to want 'proofs' about an Equal Money System based on your acceptance and defense of the conditioning of our current System (where children get stabbed in the neck when intervening in a fight) is just complete non-sense. People look at an Equal Money System and say'it's not going to work' - but do not even for a second look at what is currently happening and how we really do not have that many options. The current condition of the World is downright cruel and to defend it is criminal. Because one thing is for sure: we cannot continue like this. If an Equal Money System can mean a way out of this mess, out of this Demonic State of Affairs - why not give it a chance? Why is everyone trying to hold on to the current state of affairs? It's all over the news - but maybe it's still just that little bit too much 'out there'.

So the question is: How far are we willing to let this World spin out of control before we take action?
How many children must die?
Every day without an Equal Money System is a day where we flush life down the drain...