Tuesday 26 April 2011

Vocabulary is the Key to Self-Expansion

I always thought that Economy was boring and that I just had to stay away from it.

In my first year of High School there wasn’t much choice in terms of what you could study. The main course most of the students would go for had economy – I did Latin. I heard that Economy was stupid, boring and that it had math.

In general I had already created the idea that everything money related ‘out there in the world’ – was very complicated and boring. Mainly because whenever I had gotten into contact with it, I simply did not understand it. So my main reaction was: just stay away from it.

In later years I never went on a pursuit to understand our economic system or how our world operates, I had closed that door with my judgments.

Only later as I got involved with Desteni and the Equal Money Proposal, it got to me that I do not have any clue of how or money system works and how the world operates.
Yes I could see that something was wrong as I could observe poverty on the news, homeless people in the city. But I had no actual idea of how these manifestations came about. I saw them as one of the many ‘facts of life’ which I did not question at all.

So when Desteni came up with the Equal Money point, I got a bit grumpy because now I had to go and investigate money. I saw myself as very ‘money illiterate’ – I had only recently gotten my own bank account and bank card which I only has used like once lol. Throughout my life I was always taken care of by my parents and received some pocket money that was mine to spend.

I thought of myself as being incapable of researching a point like this and whenever I made an attempt I could not understand what was being discussed because the terms they used was not part of my vocabulary. I simply gave up.

We fast forward a bit more.

I am now living at the Desteni Farm and all the girls have decided to study at University.

It was kind of tacitly agreed upon that all of us were going to study psychology. Then when registration came closer I asked myself “Is this really what I want to study?”. I went to the university’s website and checked out what other curriculum they offered. One of them caught my eye. It was a study in Politics, Philosophy and Economy. Politics and Economy were very unknown to me but I could see the importance of Politics and Economy within the context of establishing World Equality and an Equal Money System. I had gotten Philosophy in High School and Gabriel, my elder brother had studied philosophy at University and I was always enjoyed what he had to share about what he had learnt over the weekend.

I had already read quite a bit on Psychology and whenever I had gotten Religion in high school it was more psychology than anything else.

I also figured that just because I had allowed myself to see myself as ‘not an economy person’ - that this should not hold me back. I saw that money was important to research so I willed myself to be interested in it lol.

From that perspective this course seemed quite challenging and it was something ‘new’. The description for the study said that it would equip the student with critical thinking skills within the area of politics and economy and work towards identifying problems and providing solutions. This seemed perfect for me in relation to the establishment of an Equal Money System.

I discussed this with Maite (my sister) and she said she was actually also not much interested in Psychology and seemed happy that I had found this other course. So we ended up both registering for this one instead.
Whereas I had previously always loved philosophy, it was an absolute pain in the*ss. The module was one big mess that made no (common) sense at all and I realized how delusional I had been in the past towards philosophy. Politics and Economy on the other hand are the subjects that I’ve enjoyed the most!

I am very glad that I decided to push through my resistance of getting to know our money system better. In a short period of time I’ve enabled myself to grasp and process such much more within my world.

Even now I can see how when I was small I got scared looking at certain things just because I didn’t understand, I did not have the vocabulary to grasp what was going on.

I remember very clearly for instance, that when I was still a toddler in school (and all we did was play all the long) we had to go into a classroom of the kids that were6-7 years old. I was standing in front and started looking at one of the books that was lying open on one of the kid’s desk. It had some weird figures on it and number and I went “WTF whas that!” inside myself. I looked at the kids whose book it was and he had a very sad face. I went into anxiety as I was thinking about how one day I will be sitting in that kid’s position having that book open in front of me and having to understand it.

Later when the moment came and I was that kid – we got to the particular page in the book that I had seen a few years back and the figure and numbers were completely clear to me! I thought it was very funny that I had been so scared, as it was just a matter of learning new words (and figures) to be able to understand what was going on. Then throughout primary school I was scared of high school because what I had seen my brother and sister study was completely unknown to me. Again when I got there myself it all made sense.

Then throughout high school I feared university and now that I’m at university I see that there’s nothing to be scared about lol (again).

In essence – the difficulty level of primary school, high school and university = are exactly the same. The only thing that changes is vocabulary. Anyone can learn anything as long as you learn all the words, it’s really just that simple.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fear, A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

My Horse Charlie’s been having a back leg problem for quite a while now. A few days ago a horse specialist came over to check him out and supplied us with meds for a three week treatment.

Part of the treatment is me jabbing a 18 gauge needle into his buttocks.
I really hate doing this.
If I know I will have to be stabbing/jabbing him in the morning then that’s the thought I go to sleep with and in the morning I wake up, that’s the thought I wake up with: “Oh no I have to jab him with the needle today”.
When the moment comes that I have to jab the needle into his butt I start to panic a bit and HOPE that the needle goes through his bum from the first go. Depending on how Charlie’s butt is doing that day and what spot I poke him it will be either hard or very hard lol.
When I jab him I go will full force, almost projecting the needle/syringe to go completely through his bum so to speak. But then sometimes in the moment as my arm is coming down towards his hum and the needle is approaching my fear takes over and I image the needle not going through and kind of just ‘hitting the surface’ as you would when for instance trying to poke a stone with a needle.

In that singular moment, a fraction of a second – my muscles weaken, my arm slows down and the needle doesn’t go through. It’s a very horrible feeling to stand there with the needle just being on top of his skin, no penetration whatsoever, seeing his entire body flinching. But it is this exact fear of this scenario happening that caused the very event to happen!
 So now before I jab – I breathe – direct – jab. If the jab doesn’t go through immediately it simply indicates I have to go ‘harder’ because he is having one of those days where his muscle is all tensed up. I do not take it personal, just breathe again and jab harder.
So this shows how when you fear something – you open the door within your reality for it to happen. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s funny how we still gives value to fear as if it is valid – no seeing and realising that by acknowledging a fear as being ‘real’ and a ‘valid point of reference’ – you are allowing, no you are CREATING this type of shit to happen in your world, and then there’s only yourself to blame.

Taking control of your life by eliminating useless points such as fear is part if the Desteni I Process self-development tools.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Pain is not the only thing it Kills – Vultures Die Too

In India the Vulture population has declined by 99%.Upon investigation it turned out that the cause of this drastic decline was within the food the vultures were consuming.
One of their food supplies are the carcasses of deceased livestock. Many of these cows were treated with a painkiller/anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac.
They die – the drug stays in their system – the vultures eat the corpse – the vultures get it in their system...and die of kidney failure.The drug has been banned – but it may still take years before all the ones that were already in circulation get out. Will the remaining 1% hold?
How has such a fuck-up come about? The only way this type of side-effect and inconsideration can come about is when the animal their best interest is not taken into account.
Because – this veterinary drug is supposed to 'help animals' as in treating livestock – no-one took into consideration the possible outcome if any of these carcasses get eaten.Which inherently shows that the drug was not manufactured taking into consideration 'the animals' – but only the depth of the Humans their pockets.
In an Equal Money System – this would not happen. We would not only start taking into considerations the animals as a whole once they're all almost dead.
Vote for an Equal Money System – Vote for a System of Consideration of All Life


Saturday 2 April 2011

The Birds are Dying

1st collector for The Birds are Dying
Follow my videos on vodpod

The Birds are Dying --Many bird species are heading towards extinction.
To find out more visit my blog @: http://ylaww.blogspot.com/2011/04/birds-are-dying.html
To find out how we can change our world in a supportive environment, human, animals and plants included: visit www.equalmoney.org & www.desteni.co.za
For effective life coaching go to www.desteniiprocess.com

Friday 1 April 2011

The Birds are Dying

With climate changes the birds are put in a vulnerable position. With the estimate projections and estimations of coming climate changes, some bird species are expected to decrease drastically, and in some cases even go completely extinct.

Birds are tied to particular environments for their food intake and breeding process. With climate changes, birds that were used to low lands are forced to move to higher grounds, where it is a bit fresher – to get back to a temperature that they are used to. Though, not all birds are flexible to adapt to new environments with different vegetation/foods available for them – and thus will be likely to die. Another implication of this 'moving to higher grounds'; is that less and less terrain becomes available for the birds. This is just simply geometrics. So as climate keeps on changing, the birds will be forced to move higher and higher – until there is nowhere else to go.
This terrain reduction also decreases birds their survival chances.

When the birds get to the point of breeding, they are ineffective. The little amount of birds that do hatch, are likely to get eaten by the parents to be able to survive.

The consequences of what we've accepted and allowed to manifest in this world are starting to creep out and show its head.
We always thought that'd we'd never have to face the consequences – but they are now knocking on the door. Centuries of abuse is now taking its toll and we can no longer accept and allow to postpone taking responsibility. The birds are already suffering. The least we can do is make food available for them where we can – and stop the current system of madness that is killing each and every single living thing on earth.

It is not too late – Let's Vote for an Equal Money System!