Saturday 7 July 2012

Day 25: Eating Energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, to when looking at food and what to make / eat -- only consider the energetic values as like/dislike and positive/negative which I have associated with the particular foods -- and decide on what foods to eat / make through only picking out those food items which I have defined as 'positive' within me and disregard those which I have defined as 'negative'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself when deciding on food, base my decisions on the energetic signatures I have attached to food -- where my intent is not to eat the food, but to eat and consume the energy which I have attached to a particular food through memory

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make decisions about what to eat in terms of energy and completely disregard the physical within making energy based decisions -- where I will not look or even consider what it is my human physical body needs to function correctly and effectively -- but only will look at "what energy do I want to indulge in now?"

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I have never made a common sense decision about food, as I've never moved and pushed myself to actually find out how my human physical body operates and what it requires as support to function properly and effectively

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feed my body according to likes and dislikes instead of investigating and finding out what would be best to eat for me as my human physical body

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that eating guided by energy is in fact the abuse of Life as the human physical body is that which enables me to be here on Earth -- yet I disregard my human physical body completely within my neverending chase for "nice experiences" and thus disregard Life completely

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to question the education system within this world, where nutrition and the workings of the human body should be one of the basic things beings in this world need to be taught, as this is the foundation of one's Life as sustaining the human physical body at an optimum level

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not educate myself on the human physical body and nutririon, where I instead will look at tv advertisement and ads in magazines to tell me what to eat -- where I will eat those things which seem to make people Happy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have turn food into a commodity of the mind -- where I will eat within an attempt to "mine energy" from the food to alter my experiences within myself as mind -- and within that completely disregard whether this food actually assists and supports my body or not

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base my decisions in terms of  'what to eat', on taste as preference -- where I will eat what I believe 'tastes good', and not eat those things which apparently 'don't taste good' -- while these tastes as preferences aren't absolute as they were created in and through memory -- and the fact that one can like something which was once dislikes indicates that likes and dislikes as taste  is not reliable and should not be what decisions in terms of food are based on

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to investigate my likes and dislikes as 'what tastes good' and 'what doesn't taste good' -- and forgive myself for the energetic associations as emotion which accepted and allowed myself to attach to the foods -- so I may have a clean slate within my relationship towards food and find out what actually assists and supports my body, where body support overrides any taste preference -- as this is only illusion

When and as I see myself making decisions about food based on energy -- I stop and I breathe -- I check my starting point and re-align my decision process where I will decide on what to eat in terms of what actually assists and supports my body. Within that I commit myself to rid myself within myself of all negative and positive associations made with food

When and as I see myself wanting to grab some food because I want to experiences the particular type of energy I have attached to the food -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I do not actually want to eat the FOOD , I want to EAT the ENERGY -- and thus I stop and do not accept and allow myself go any further. Withing that I commit myself to investigate and find out why I want to feed myself energy -- where me grabbing food for the experience of energy indicates that I am feeling a 'low', a 'lack' and want to get myself back 'up' through eating a particular energy attached to food -- and thus I commit myself to identify the point which I have suppressed where I accepted and allowed myself to go into a 'low' instead of directing myself in the moment

I commit myself to move myself beyond my ignorance in relation to food and the workings of the human physical body

I commit myself to the re-education of myself and others in terms of the human physical body and food -- to find out and investigate what the human physical body actually needs to function at its optimum level so I may stop abusing Life as the Physical

I commit myself to chart out all my likes and dislikes about food and applying Self Forgiveness so I may begin my relationship with food anew, this time from the starting point of What is Best for the Body instead of what is Best for the Mind

I commit myself to honour and care for my human physical body and to support it as it is unconditionally supporting me -- and within that I commit myself to stop chasing energy as experience to get a 'high' and get back down to Earth here and deal with that which actually Matters

I commit myself to an Equal Money System where food and the workings of the human physical body as a biological, chemical factory is one of the first things one learn about within one's education years so all may learn to take care of oneself within the principle of What is Best for ALL Life

I commit myself to actually seeing food for what it is, instead only seeing the energy that I have attached to it

I commit myself to identify and work through the memories through which my personal likes and dislikes around food were created, and forgive myself so I can let go of these memories and stop living in the Past

I commit myself to the abolishment of food advertisement for the sake of profit -- where advertising is only done to get people to buy food which apparently tastes good but which has no nutritional value whatsoever for the body and only serves to keep human beings complacent within their minds as they get their "energy hit" within eating the foods -- and within that I commit myself to the end of the production and manufacturing of all foods which are in fact harmful to the body

I commit myself to expose the extent to which we've created false relationships with food to the extent that we are no longer eating food but eating energy to keep our minds happy and in place, and within that I commit myself to assist myself and others as myself within letting go of these relationships so one may construct an equal and one relationship towards food and the human physical body as equal support

Thursday 5 July 2012

Day 24: Life as a CharActor

A memory came up of when I was in high school while I was listening to the ‘Real Communication’ Life Review Interview, where at some point when I was 16-17 years old, I actually dreaded the break times in between classes, especially lunch time as it was longer, as it would mean spending my time with my classmates. I never really formed any relationships with any of my friends as I never really opened myself up or shared any intimate points or experiences with them – so ultimately all my friendships were based on talking about “stuff” as sharing our likes and dislikes as gossiping about people, talking about music, movies, fashion, etc.

Where all we did every day was re-enforce and re-confirm our own characters within ourselves, using one another’s likes and dislikes to validate that “who we are” as ‘character’ is in fact ‘real’, and the ‘right character’ to be – and all other characters who are not like our character are wrong and inferior.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have defined myself as character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have defined myself as character, based on personal likes and dislikes which emerged from memories

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to seek out other people with the same character so we can share and validate our character and experience ourselves as ‘real’ and ‘right’, so we may feel comfortable within the Lie we live – where if more than one person also lives and shares this lie, then it must actually be the truth

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to validate other people’s likes and dislikes so they can in return validate my likes and dislikes so I can feel good about myself and delude myself that I am on the right path as the right character within this world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to seek out my personal character entourage where I can feel comforted and validated as character and forget about what really happens within this world and inside myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to pre-occupy myself within myself and my world with getting my daily ‘likes’ where I will act out my character according to what I believe the people I like, like – so I can get my daily confirmation that everything is fine and that I do not have to change or take responsibility for anything within my world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that Life’s about being a character and getting other characters to agree with your character and then you Die – without seeing and realising that this is an absolutely stupid way to live one’s life as if it is one big popularity contest between one’s own character and the character of others, where it’s not even about the actual being but made-up make-belief characters based on memories as likes and dislikes which after Death simply disappear into thin air and in no way contributed to making this world a Better Place of All

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have made life within myself about who I am as character and how to best present my character, where I will be very meticulous about how I look and what I wear, literally pulling a character suit over myself and then believing this character/suit to be “who I am

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I was not born with the characters which I believe myself to be now – which indicate that these characters are not Who I Am, but a creation of myself as myself which I adapted, as the Lie I live within this world

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever stop and have a look at the various different characters existent within me and how they developed emerged – as I would have seen that they are based on memories as energy and likes and dislikes – and not in fact real, as they shift and change and do not stand the test of time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have lost myself within the various characters I created within myself – where I am so occupied about what character to be/wear now that I am completely oblivious to what goes on inside the world as the pain and suffering as consequence from a World System which is not Best for All, where half the people in the world suffer so those with money can live out and perfect their characters

I commit myself to identify all the various characters I have built around myself through which I accepted and allowed myself to live within separation – and to bring all these various characters back to myself and release myself from my own creation in separation through Self Forgiveness, Self Correction and Breath within every moment

I commit myself to investigate what characters I have accepted and allowed myself to create and participate within – to pin point the memories from which the characters emerged and let go of these memories so I can empower myself to live here in the moment instead of recycling the past

I commit myself to show how humans have currently only “lived” within and through characters as a form of entertainment where one uses those close to oneself to validate and feed the Lie one lives so one can feel comfortable enough to ignore and neglect the real hardship and abuse existent within this world as consequence of us behaving as CharActors instead of Care Takers as what’s Best for All Life

I commit myself to investigating all the various relationships and friendships I have and have had within my life and see how they contributed to my character building within myself and to let go of these relationships so I may stand as Care Taker as a responsible human being who will act within the Best Interest of All Life instead of not being able to see further than one’s own character and live a Lie in complete separation

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Day 23: Decisions

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I have never made a real decision within my life
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I in fact have never made decision within my life – as all my decisions have only ever been based on past experiences as memory – and never a seeing in the moment what would be Best for All

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I have never made a real decision within my life, as within every moment of decision I draw on my past, past experience and memories to tell me what to do – where I accepted and allowed my past to tell me, direct me into a particular decision – and thus it was never a real decision as it was already pre-determined based on my database of past experiences and memories

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that my decisions are based on personal likes and dislikes as positive and negative energy annotations, based on past experiences and memories – where within every moment of decision will base my decisions and what route to talk on my personal likes and dislikes based on memory as past events and experiences – and thus never actually practically deciding within the moment within the starting point and context of what is Best for All

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have defined myself according to personal likes and dislikes – and to believe these to be real – while obviously they cannot be real if everyone has different likes and dislikes and there is no uniformity or absoluteness in anyway whatsoever, and thus I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that personal likes and dislikes can never be what is Best for All as it only considers what is Best for Self as Character

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I am in fact a pre-programmed organic robot, executing and performing tasks based on my memory as all the inputs I’ve received throughout my life and the inputs I placed in myself within back chat – and thus any action, task, decision was never real but only ever based on past experiences as memory

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that with every new step, with every new decision – I am not in fact stepping forward, as I simply repeating and recycling my past within myself where I take all I have ever done and all I have ever experienced and run it through the equation of the decision I have to make in the present – and thus all that can ever come from this decision is more of the same, more of the past – and within that supporting and keeping myself as character in place

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I have ever only existed as characters, as different sets of values as likes and dislikes – where I will move from one character to another as the input/environment changes and within this I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that I have in fact never lived but only lived as fragmented characters within separation of myself, in constant fluctuation – instead of being here, stable, within every moment of breath

When and as I see myself being faced with a decision, and decide upon something – I stop and I breathe – I take a moment to evaluate how I accepted and allowed myself to come to this decision and ask myself: what variables were involved? What values were involved? Is this really what is best for all or is it a decision based on personal likes and dislikes which in no way whatsoever considers what is best for all? And within that I commit myself to evaluate the decisions I have made and the decisions still to make to check myself and my starting point within making decision and teach myself to make decisions which are in fact best for all and not automated decision making based on personal likes and dislikes

When and as I see myself shifting characters – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that I am not in fact here, present as breath within every moment – but am allowing myself to be a program running in automation mode where I will change and adapt myself according to the various inputs coming from my environment and my self-taught outputs as a response to these inputs – I see and realise that this is not in fact real living and thus I stop and stick to breathing, here

Within that I commit myself to for myself identify all the various characters I’ve accepted and allowed myself to create within my life to deal with various situations, people – and to walk the process of Self Forgiveness and Self Correction pertaining these characters so I can merge all the fragmented, separated parts back together here as me and transform myself from being multiple disordered character to an actual living being Here

When and as I see myself making a decision based on personal likes and dislikes as positive and negative energy, I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that this is not real decision making but running an automated program which is not reliable at all as it is only based on self-interest and the survival of self as character and thus I do not accepted and allow myself to go that route and re-direct myself to really look and see what requires to be done within the moment which is in the Best interest of ALL