Friday 30 November 2012

Day 127: Sigh - Part 5

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 123: An Innocent Sigh?
Day 124: *Sigh* - a Sound says More than a Thousand Words
Day 125: I am the Centre of the Universe!
Day 126: Sigh - Part 4

When and as I see myself being faced with something that is not going the way I would like it to go, as for instance the internet being slow which would require me to slow down as well – where I see myself taking in an extra long/deep breath in preparation of producing a sigh and making myself feel heavy/weighed down – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise where this pattern leads me and so I commit myself to stop, breathe, slow down and investigate how I can handle things differently

When and as I see myself wanting to sigh to assert my rigidity in relation to something in my reality that I am working with and is not working the way I believe it is *supposed* to work – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that me sighing, being rigid and imposing an experience of heaviness unto me is not going to miraculously change the situation to suddenly become as I would like it to be – where it is in fact doing quite the opposite as I am setting myself up to not find a different way to approach what I am working with and so I commit myself to stop, and investigate what points I have not considered within what I am working with and change my approach

When and as I see myself sighing / throwing a tantrum in relation to something which I perceive to not be going ‘my way’ within the starting point of wanting to hold on to ‘my way of doing things’ – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that if I am trying ‘my way’ and it is not working – that this means that ‘my way’ is not effective and should undergo evaluation and so I commit myself to use this opportunity to investigate my self-application and specify myself

When and as I see myself sighing in relation to something that I perceive as ‘not working the way I want it to work’ from the starting point of wanting my sigh to be heard by others and want them to feel bad for me or fix the situation for – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that this a form of manipulation and is unacceptable where I want to indirectly get someone to help as to still maintain my idea of ‘my way’ and that ‘my way is the right way’ – and that it is not me that is the problem but the thing or person I perceive as not working/cooperating and want someone else to support this point of view and agree with me that the other is the problem and want their help in the other to change and so I commit myself to stop the moment I see the experience/movement of wanting to sigh within wanting someone to hear my ‘cry’ and check who I am in relation to what or who I am dealing with and change/adapt my approach to get to a point of well functioning

When and as I see myself sighing within an emotional charge of complaining where I sigh very loudly within the belief that ‘things are going against me’ – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that within sighing and wanting everything to adapt to me, I am making a statement that ‘I am at the centre of the universe’ and that I am not willing to change and so I commit myself to stop and investigate what such an action/statement says about myself and whether this is a statement/principle I want to live by and direct myself to make the necessary alignments to make sure that I am satisfied with my self-application within the framework of what is Best for All Life

When and as I see myself being in a state of inconsideration towards anything or anyone else within my reality, within for instance getting upset when things are not going the way I want them to go – I stop and I breathe – I see and realise that this experience indicates to me the extent of Self-Interest I am still accepting and allowing myself to exist within and as within the belief that since I am only aware of myself and what I experience, that I / my experiences are the only thing that matter and worthy of consideration and commit myself to stop this limited self interest to an interest of all Life and all things
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Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 126: Sigh - Part 4

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 123: An Innocent Sigh?
Day 124: *Sigh* - a Sound says More than a Thousand Words
Day 125: I am the Centre of the Universe!

 When and as I see myself react to something in my environment 'not working' the way I expect it to -- as the internet running slow and making the buttons not work/clickable -- and react to that within irritation and annoyance an let out a big fat sigh -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am attempting to show my discontent with whatever I perceive as 'not working' as a form of complaining that something is 'not fair' and so I commit myself to stop myself to moment I take that extra deep breath to produce a sign and check what I am doing -- so that I do not necessarily compromise and sabotage myself within holding on to expectations

When and as I see myself being faced with a situation where something is not working the way I want it to work -- such as the internet being slow and taking a long time to process information -- and want to respond to that within letting out a big fat sigh, to show that I am 'not okay' with this -- even though I know that this will not make a difference and will just have to deal with it -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am unnecessarily creating something more out of what is going on within sighing and creating an emotional experience and so I commit myself to stop my emotional reaction , breathe, and slow down

When and as I see myself in a situation where something is 'not working' the way I want/expect it to work such as the internet being slow -- and react to that within sighing and getting upset/frustrated and clicking lots in a desperate attempt to 'get through' -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that I am placing whatever that I perceive as not working within a label of 'not being cooperative' and blame whatever/the internet for my experience of sighing and frustration and so I commit myself to stop my emotional reaction as frustration and stop myself the moment I want to go into a sigh and direct/move myself to slow down and adapt within the realisation that I am the one being uncooperative within getting frustrated/sighing/complaining

When and as I see myself in a situation where something is 'not working' the way I want/expect it to work such as the internet being slow - and let out a big sigh -- I stop and I breathe -- I see and realise that this indicates to me that I believe that I have the right to express my discontent in the face of whatever I perceive as being 'uncooperative' -- without seeing and realising that me sighing and myself taking on a stance of non-cooperation is merely me sabotaging myself and moving myself to work effectively with what is here, where I distract myself with the belief that things 'shouldn't be this way' and within that set myself up in a rigid position to show my resistance and protest, but where I end up only working against myself and so I commit to stop the protest and slow myself down within and as breath as I've seen, realised and understand that this is not going to make a difference to physical reality

Will continue tomorrow
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Killed by my own Fear

Throughout our Lives, we are taught that 'Fear' is a good thing -- even better we are taught that it is a 'necessary' thing, and that we should cherish fear because it will keep us safe from danger.

This is how we are taught to trust experiences as feelings and emotions within making decisions instead of trusting common sense as looking at things from a practical, mathematical perspective. Instead, we experience fear and we think "run" or "avoid" -- because apparently fear is here to help guide is, and is a helpful tool to ensure our survival. Surely, if fear was not helpful to our survival -- evolution would have taken care of fear and gotten rid of it within its redundancy?

This is how we accept and allow fear in our lives, where we try and reason why such an awful and dreadful experience is 'good' for us, and why we shouldn't question it -- as if it is some God-given gift to us and where we feel obliged to 'like it' because we don't want to appear disrespectful.

When the point opens up that we humans do not have to live in fear -- the most common argument that is given in defense of fear is that "if you are on the road and a bus is heading straight for you, it is fear that gets your ass in gear and saves your life -- we need fear to survive". But I mean, do we really NEED fear to tell us that we need to get a move on? Do you really need an experience to tell us, that if we don't move -- the bus is going to hit us and then we're over and done with? No -- it's pretty obvious = big, fast moving object coming my way + me not move = me dead. You don't NEED fear to be able to understand that staying where you are is not a good idea.

It's not just that fear is not 'necessary' to our survival -- it actually makes us irrational and influences how we respond to particular situations. How many people have phobia's that seriously affect their life to the exent that they won't even leave the house? Obviously there, people will say that these fears are 'out of context' and go 'beyond practicality' -- but they're really just an extension/magnification of all the "regular" and "little" fears -- but we just fail to see it.

The Life Review 'Killed by my own Fear" walks the story of someone who has worked with horses their entire Life and walks the timeline of how self would behave before the fear was conceived, how the fear was conceived -- and how fear affects effective and common sense decision making -- to the point where our fears become self-fulfilling prophecies -- as we lose all sight of common sense practicality and becomes slaves of fear dictating our lives.

This interview is very specific and supportive in terms of describing how the whole unfolding process from the fear conception to the fear completion -- where one can try and avoid a particular fear from manifesting within one's life, and where that very decisions ends up being our doom. It very clearly shows how fear is NOT detrimental to our survival -- and in fact proves quite the opposite.

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All I wanted was to be Cared-for...

This Life Review gives some really cool perspective in terms of the saying 'careful what you wish for' and how we create consequence for ourselves through our attitudes and approaches in Life.

A simple desire such as 'wanting to be cared for', became a disastrous point within the Life of this person. She tells her story of how she wanted to be cared for without ever investigating the implications of such a statement -- where one merely follows a particular feeling that one wants to achieve -- without seeing and realising the consequences this entails.

We often find ourselves lost in desires where we want particular things in life without actually really knowing what these desires mean. We watch movies and series, were 'ideal relationships' are portrayed, where we want what we see on our tv-screen and where we believe that this is how it should be, this is what it means to be 'alive', that this is what a well functioning relationship looks like. But what we are shown on tv is only a photoshopped reality -- it's merely a picture and how the dynamics of relationships and life are portrayed always are made to look 'better' than how things work in reality.

We believe that we want something, and we believe that it will be a certain way -- but then when we finally get what we want, it turns out to be quite the opposite. How many relationships start with sunshine and roses and end up within hate and disgust? We want Love -- Love is polarity = you get what you wish for.

This interview questions our desires and common sense reasoning skills and reminds us to not take anything for granted. As she walks her story, she explains how the relationship between the body and mind functions and how we create and manifest particular conditions and situations into our life.

In a way, it reveals 'the dark side' of the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts affect out daily life -- and inevitably accumulates into consequence.

A must listen to grasp the extent of how we shape our lives through living within and through the mind and affect the lives of others along the way.

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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Day 125: I am the Centre of the Universe!

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 123: An Innocent Sigh?
Day 124: *Sigh* - a Sound says More than a Thousand Words

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that within complaining audibly as sighing very loudly, I am stating that I am at the centre of the universe and that everything revolves around me -- where if things don't work out for me it is not up to me to change -- it's up to everything and everyone else to change and adapt to how I want things to be

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that since I am only aware of myself and what goes on inside me (and even that, only to a VERY limited extent) and am not able to experience what everyone else / everything else is experiencing -- that my existence is the only one that matters so that when things are not going the way I want them, I get upset because I am only concerned with my existence, my reality within the belief that only I matter

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created the belief that since I am only aware of myself, that only I matter -- where I do not even try and attempt to put myself in other people's shoes -- because that would mean having to move out of my comfort zone as all I know and all I care about

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that since I have experiences, and can only experience me and nothing else -- that this means that I am special -- not seeing and realising that it is all quite in reverse, where me only being able to experience and be aware of myself only indicate my level of irrelevance as I have accepted and allowed myself to be separated from everything and everyone in existence to such an extent that I am in fact rejected by the whole but instead of acknowledging this, will give my situation a 'positive twist' and make something 'special' out of it as to not face the reality/truth of me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that since I am only aware of myself and no-one else -- that only my happiness matters because I am not able to experience other people's happiness or suffering -- so why should I bother do something about them if I don't receive any gains?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life and existence is all about having nice, positive experiences -- which then creates situations where I get upset and sigh / manipulate myself into a 'down mood' when faced with a simple point such as the internet being slow, where I perceive the internet as being slow as infringing on my right to happiness and should adjust/change IMMEDIATELY, where I perceive how the internet is behaving to be UNACCEPTABLE and within that I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise the arrogance of such actions where many people suffer real damages as for instance being physically starved through my acceptances and allowances within the starting point of self-interest and do not care to change my behaviour as the result of who I am IMMEDIATELY, while expecting others to change right here, right now to be able to achieve a 'peace of mind' and move away from the illusionary damage I experience within and as my mind

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that my actions as sighing and getting upset about 'things not going my way' is indicative to my values as this reveals what I care to spend my energy on as 'getting upset' to something like the internet being slow -- while being completely apathetic to the real relevant suffering of others and will make-up whatever excuses and justifications as to not have to spend time and energy on improving the life of everyone but only care about my own personal comfort of mind -- revealing to me what I have accepted and allowed myself to become within the name of Self Interest

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I once in a while will feel bad for another or react to for instance animal abuse -- that this means that 'I am a good person' -- not seeing and realising that these reactions only happen ever so often and are minute compared to what preoccupies me most of the time as thoughts/feelings and emotions which relate only to the regard of my own self-interest

Day 124: *Sigh* - a Sound says More than a Thousand Words

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 123: An Innocent Sigh?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when something is not working as I expect it -- where things are not going smooth and fast -- get upset at reality not matching my expectation and within that feel that reality is being unfair towards me as my mind, and where I want to show my discontent with reality by letting out a big, fat, sigh -- and within that saying 'Hear me sigh! Look at what you are doing to me! Why are you placing me in this position? It's not fair -- you are wrong and I am right, conform to my ideas goddammit!'

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to ever question the expression of 'sighing' -- believing that it is just something we do to
'release steam' and within that not actually look and investigate what it is that moves through me within the moment of sighing

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise, that sighing is not a point of 'releasing some steam', but is actually quite the opposite as a from of 'protest', where one acknowledge that nothing can be done about what one is doing / dealing with, but where self wants to show/indicate that even though self is going to work with it, it doesn't mean that self agrees -- and will thus 'put up a fight' within assuming an uncooperative attitude towards what self is doing and within that I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that it is not that something or someone is being uncooperative in relation to me which is making me go into discontent and producing a sigh -- but it is me stating within sighing that I am going to take on an uncooperative stance towards whatever it is I am dealing with and thus my experience has got nothing to do with that which I am working with but who I allow myself to be within a given situation and how I decide to deal with it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have the right to express my discontent in the face of whatever I perceive as being 'uncooperative' -- without seeing and realising that me sighing and myself taking on a stance of non-cooperation is merely me sabotaging myself and moving myself to work effectively with what is here, where I distract myself with the belief that things 'shouldn't be this way' and within that set myself up in a rigid position to show my resistance and protest, but where I end up only working against myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is perfectly normal for myself and other people to sigh when things are not going the way we/I expect them to go, believing this to be a 'normal' and 'innocent' expression -- not ever questioning where such expressions come from or who one is within it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I am faced with something that is not going the way I would like it to go, as for instance the internet being slow which would require me to slow down as well -- to deliberately let out a sigh and induce an experience of 'heaviness' and ' a weight pushing down on me' whilst at the same time deluding myself within believing that this experience is being caused by the point I perceive as 'not going the way I want it to go' while I am the one deciding to experience myself within this manner within the deliberate decision of formulating and letting out a big, fat sigh, as some weird form of 'protest'

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that me sighing and being all rigid is not going to miraculously change the situation to how I would like it to be -- where I actually only make things worse for myself within not just dealing with what is here and adjusting my course of action and within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try and attempt to 'force' reality to work 'my way' and conform to an idea in my mind as 'how things should be' -- not seeing and realising that I have no such magnificent mind powers where a single sigh can 'change the tide' and 'make things go my way'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sigh when things aren't going 'my way' -- where I am not allowing myself to be flexible and adapt to what is here and find another way to deal with whatever there is to be dealt with, but instead want to 'hold on' to how I believe things should be even though all the evidence is against me, showing me that how I want things to be isn't how it is, and thus what I am doing is completely ineffective and counterproductive as I am wasting my time -- where with the slow internet I didn't just wait or go somewhere with a better internet connection, but instead went 'click-click-click-click-click WORK GODDAMMIT" -- where it should have been obvious that after a few clicks that what I was trying to achieve was not working and was not going to happen, but where instead of changing my approach I only became more stubborn and upset -- and in essence: throwing a tantrum

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sigh as a form of audible complaint, where I want others to hear me and pity me withing being in a position where apparently 'things are against' -- where I want the other thing or person to change for what I want to achieve to work, instead of me changing and adapting -- merely indicating to me how stuck I am within the belief and religion of myself as 'how things should be' and 'who I am' and my limit of cooperation towards myself and others -- where I just want everything to be nice and easy, and the moment things become rough or I have to change my course of action: I become upset and want to protest -- because "how dare this thing or person get in my way? I have the right to be all comfy! I have the right to the path of least resistance! I have the right to be a single minded and not flexible in how I approach things! Poooooooor meeeeeeeee!"

To be continued
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Tuesday 27 November 2012

Activism and the Missing Piece

The Life Review of a Peace Activist is a very cool interview. The person reviews their life and reflects on their actions within being a Peace Activist. This interview gives some cool perspective in terms of why activism thus far has failed to bring about actual change within the world and takes a look at the 'bigger picture' involved.

The person shares how she realised how little impact her actions actually had on the system as a whole and how her approach (and any other activist for that matter) has always been from the starting point of separation, which is why any such approach has always been ineffective.

Walk with the Peace Activist through her various realisations to gain a better insight on how activism currently only further perpetuates the problem and describes the interconnected relationship between the activists and the perceived problems, the specific relationship between war, peace and money -- and what changes would require to take place to align activism to Practivism to be able to bring about actual change within the world.

This interview is relevant when we have a look at activist movements such as vegetarianism, the various occupy movements, anti-animal abuse, etc, etc.

This is a FREE interview, so you can simply Right-Click HERE and press 'save as' to get the interview.

Enjoy the listen!

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Day 123: An Innocent Sigh?

Yesterday as I was busy posting one of my blogs, the internet was very slow which resulted in fuckups with how I wanted to place the pictures in my blog. I wanted to check how the preview would look to make sure the pictures were the right size and the button didn’t want to work so I went *click-click-click-click-click-click* with my mouse, to no avail. I then let out a deep, deep, loud sight to “express” my dissatisfaction with the slow internet.

As I started the sigh and let it out – I noticed how completely weird this action actually was – because within that moment of sighing, my whole body became heavy as if a heavy weight was pressing down on me, and my whole mood shifted ‘downwards’. Was does this tell me? This tells me the slow internet is not the problem, but how I behave myself in relation to what happens on my computer, as the slow internet. I was the one going *click-click-click-click-click* -- I was the one sighing – and I was the one who within the sigh induced an experience of dissatisfaction and being annoyed/irritated.

I noticed I had done this sigh thing quite a few times over the past few days, especially in the evening when it is getting ‘late’ and where I just want to get done with my stuff so that I can go sleep and not be too tired the next day. This anticipation of ‘I must go sleep soon, otherwise I’m going to be tired tomorrow’ as the belief of ‘I mustn’t go sleep too late’ is really in essence a fear. So within the next few blogs I want to take on the point of sighing as a point of deliberate self-sabotage and self-manipulation into self-pity and then afterwards take on the point of “mustn’t go sleep too late”.

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